It Is Not Good that Humans Should Be Alone
In the beginning, God created the world and declared it good. The only thing that was declared to be not good was Adam’s aloneness. To
In the beginning, God created the world and declared it good. The only thing that was declared to be not good was Adam’s aloneness. To
Despite my best efforts, I’ve managed to adult my way into new responsibilities at work (read: extra meetings). With an opportunity to originate and expand
When my son was four, he saw a picture of Jesus Christ as a shepherd with sheep. He pointed and proclaimed, “Jesus saves us…from the
I remember after my 2nd child was born, I felt pretty empty. I had postpartum depression and kind of felt like I was being crushed
The current lesson plan is designed for families like mine who are busy but would like to spend a couple minutes discussing God’s word and
Today, it is 22 years since my father died. In a few days, I will be having major surgery. And I don’t know if the
I was struggling with coming up with a topic for today’s blog post, so I turned to the internet. I googled “blog post prompts” and
This lesson plan is written for you to use in a class or at home. If you use it at home, I suggest just taking
This past Sunday the Come, Follow Me lesson for Sunday School was based on Matthew 5-6 which includes the Sermon on the Mount and the
But we don’t have to fully understand it/get it/agree with it to love our neighbor, child, friend, relative, or classmate. Studies show that young people’s
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.