
Blog Tag: food

Three slices of everything bagels stacked on top of each other next to a glass jar of everything bagel spices with spice spilling out.
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Just Food: Diet Culture and Faith Practices

Content Warning: I’m going to talk about food and the body in this piece. If you are suffering or have suffered from disordered eating practices in the past, be aware that I do make slight references to my own restriction and binging. I love bagels. I love them toasted and slathered in cream cheese. I love an everything bagel. Want to talk about bagel sandwiches? Yes please. There was a time in my life where the value I assigned bagels was “unhealthy.” Because of the carbs and the fat, bagels were bad, bad, bad. I deprived myself of this food I love...
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Feeding Refugees at an IRC Welcome Center: a Just Serve Stake...

I am the Just Serve stake coordinator, and our stake is working on a service project to provide meals at our local International Rescue Committee's Welcome Center. I personally love this project because it is so central to what Christ taught us to do. As one Episcopalian woman I spoke with as I was working on plans said, "I don't care about anyone's politics. My job is to feed people who are hungry." So, I wanted to share what our stake is working on in hopes that other stakes with an IRC Welcome Center near them could prepare a meal...
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Affirming mantras about our bodies, body size, and food during a...

May 2020 By LMA These mantras are associated with a blog post on fat phobia and our changing bodies during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are applicable other times, too.  My body is one of the only things I will have with me throughout my entire life. My body can be an important form of comfort during this pandemic (and other times). It can also protect me. The way I feel in my body, present it to others, and have it responded to is important. *My body is attractive and deserving of love and intimate partnership in whatever form feels good to me. My body has value...
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As a missionary, I was so, so hungry.

I served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS, Mormon) in a country where the local culture called for a siesta: a long lunch break, possibly including a nap. Accordingly, my strict missionary schedule provided us with a two-hour lunch break—which was delightful—and balanced that by disallowing a dinner break—which was unpleasant indeed. I never had a car on my mission, and many of the towns I served in did not even have paved roads, so we rode mountain bikes. All day. Every day. I was hungry. So much exercise! So little food! As a "greenie"...
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Christmas Book Review Series: Cast Iron Kitchen by Jesseca Hallows

WELCOME TO THE EXPONENT BOOK REVIEW SERIES AND CYBER MONDAY GIVEAWAY! Over this week and ending on Cyber Monday, we will share our thoughts on books that we think you should consider as possible Christmas gifts for yourself and others! As in the past, everyone who comments on a post will be entered into the draw to win a copy of one of the books that we have reviewed! (Choice of electronic or hard copies in the domestic US, digital copies outside of this area). Your comment on each post gives you one entry (multiple comments on the same post will not...
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Where Can I Turn for Peas and Proscuitto Risotto?

When a friend is going through a hard time and they don't live near me, my heart aches because the primary way I show love in times of sorrow is bringing food that I have carefully considered (will she like these flavors? does he have any allergies? how will this be warmed up the next day?) and then created. Sadness hits so often unexpectedly and while there is usually little more I can do than witness someone's pain, it feels good to pull out my sturdy cast iron skillet and get to work. This helps me feel better and find...
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Emergency Substitute Young Women or Sunday School Lesson

I teach a combined class of Laurels and Miamaids. A couple of months ago, as I was planning a lesson, I kept getting emails saying that my lesson time would be cut short. They had song practice for a special musical number. And the girls needed to be taken out one by one to work on a going-away gift for one of the leaders. My usual 30 minutes was down to 15- and even those would be interrupted. I needed a quick lesson that was "on topic" but that the girls would like. This was my solution. The week before, I...
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Nachos and Green Tomato Salsa

My husband is getting ready to attend a play with friends. I am happy to stay home and putter, but he hesitates with keys in hand, looking around the kitchen with a concerned expression. “I may not be home in time for dinner.” One of the many perks of our empty nest is that occasionally I find myself blissfully alone. “I know. I will be fine.” He opens the fridge. “There may be some leftovers.” “I told you, I will figure something out.” He says, “You ate all the Wheat Chex last week.” Now I am annoyed. “Go! I...
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Sacred Music: O quam suavis est Domine

I've come to love the music of Chiara Margarita Cozzolani, a 17th-century Italian nun. Delightful stuff! Concerti Sacri (1642) by Magnificat - Cozzolani Complete Works Volume II Or listen here: http://music.cozzolani.com/track/o-quam-suavis-est-domine Latin text O quam suavis est, Domine, spiritus tuus, qui ut dulcedinem tuam in filios demonstrares, pane suavissimo de cælo præstito, esurientes reples bonis, fastitiosos divites dimittens inanes. Venite, omnes populi esurientes et sitientes, venite, gustate, bibite, comedite, et inebriamini, carissimi. Venite, qui laboratis et onerati estis, et ille reficiet vos, et confortabit vos. Quare appenditis argentum non in panibus, et laborem vestrum non in saturitate? Venite, reficite vos et ambulabitis in fortitudine cibi istius, et non...
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Equal in Faith: Salt Lake City

On Monday I fasted. I fasted for the first time in years. It was completely different than I remember. I remember fasting being about food, about missing food, wanting food and taking a long Sunday nap until I could eat food again. Occasionally, we would fast for something: an illness, fire, job or tragedy. During these times I really did want to comfort the people in need. I thought about them while I fasted….for about 3 minutes before I broke my fast. This Monday’s fast was very different. It was a fast on National Equality Day for the purpose...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.