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Blog Tag: Feminine Divine

A picture of the chapel at pilgrimage. There are large windows on all sides looking out to a spring-green forest.
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The Spiritual Nature of All Things

Someone asked me if I thought physics was a spiritual discipline. I had to think about that for a bit, but eventually I told her *yes*...I find it amazing and awe-inspiring to figure out how our universe works.
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Guest Art: Phase Shift (triptych)

Phase Shift is a triptych depicting three women in menopause. These pieces celebrate life’s milestones and look at menopause through a positive lens rather than seeing it as a medical inconvenience.
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Do we believe in sacred groves?

I have a confession to make. The last few weeks, the most spiritual part of church for me hasn’t been inside the church building. It’s been spending the time between classes peeking through a weed-covered chain link and barbed wire fence, trying to get a glimpse of the drainage pond that sits on the church property. Most people don’t notice that the pond is there, even though it is right next to the parking lot, by the dumpster. Frogs live in the pond. I can hear them calling, and they sound big. Cicadas buzz. Birds trill from the cattails. The...
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Guest Post: Pray, She Is There. Speak, They Are Listening

Hi, I'm Meghan (she/they.) I live in North Idaho where I am a founding member Harmony CDA, a local support group seeking to provide a safe space for LGBTQ+ and allies in harmony with the gospel of Jesus Christ. And my husband suggested it might be a good idea to link my latter-gay stories post if anyone wants to know more about my personal “coming out” story that is mentioned. This can be found here: https://lattergaystories.org/hi-im-meghan/ I’ve been feeling a lot of feelings following Elder Renlund’s address in the Women’s Session of General Conference, but mostly, I am sad. I’m sad...
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Guest Post: Pele and Eve: A Re-Creation Story

Guest Post by Anonymous.  Anonymous is a single woman in the church who recently vacationed in Hawai'i where she dreamed vividly of a sacred and healing encounter with the feminine divine. I am in a garden. Night has fallen. I breathe deeply, hold the breath, and then exhale. Air rushes from my body, and, along with it, something more. I release until I become two-dimensional and begin sinking, concave, into the ground. As I take in air again, the music around me gains momentum. Life force reanimates my lower lungs, upper lungs, the very tips of my extremities. I rise upward,...
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Guest Post: Why Our Foundational Narrative is NOT SEXIST

Guest Post by Janeen Our foundational narrative depicts an epic drama of good and evil that reveals truths about men, women, and their divine potential. While the literal meaning has great impact, too, there is much we can learn from the symbolism of this account. Much has been misinterpreted about it what it appears to be saying about gender and the inherent nature and roles of men and women, but I would like to set the record straight and show how, thanks to current light and knowledge, we can see divine patterns of partnership and equality. The narrative begins in a...
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Guest Post: Why Heavenly Mother is Essential: Part 4

Guest Post by McArthur Krishna, McArthur comes from a pack of storytellers. And while the pack rightly insists she’s only in the running for third-best storyteller on a good day, she’s made her living in stories. Stories in words and visual art that inspire, demand, encourage and cajole us along this wild ride of life. If you know her, she will unabashedly tell your stories too (with some degree of truthiness). Look out. This is the fourth of a seven-part series about why Heavenly Mother is essential. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Interpretations of the...
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Come Follow Me: 3 Nephi 8-11 “Arise and Come Forth unto...

These Book of Mormon chapters describe the appearance of Jesus Christ in the Americas after his resurrection. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland taught that this “constituted the focal point, the supreme moment, in the entire history of the Book of Mormon." (Christ and the New Covenant, 1997) Why is this moment so important? How is it meaningful to you? Communing with God: Signs and Silence In the Old Testament, the prophet Elijah sought to commune with the Lord, and felt prompted to go alone to a mountain. 11 And   said , Go forth, and stand upon the mount before the Lord. And,...
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Guest Post: Calling Home

By Malena Crockett Along with so many others, I listened to Dallin Oaks deliver his recent Saturday general conference address with a mix of sorrow and horror. His message---undoubtedly intended to move the rank and file to a greater commitment to the church---had the additional effect of further marginalizing untold numbers of souls who can never fit the narrow gender and marriage definitions he spelled out. This must have been how Obi-Wan felt the moment Alderaan was blasted apart by the death star, as if millions of voices had suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced. As I watched the...
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God, Faith, Women & Church: Exploring Feminist Spiritual Formation (Women’s Retreat...

“I stand in my own power now, the questions of permission that I used to choke on for my every meal now dead in a fallen heap, and when they tell me that I will fall, I nod. I will fall, I reply, and my words are a whisper my words are a howl I will fall, I say, and the tumbling will be all my own. The skinned palms and oozing knees are holy wounds, stigmata of my She.” ―Beth Morey, Night Cycles: Poetry for a Dark Night of the Soul Join Gina Colvin and me for a weekend of exploration into practices...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.