
Sentencing Decision

This morning, a United States District Court ruled on the case of Suzette Smith, former board member of Exponent II. Judge Anthony Trenga sentenced Ms. Smith to 15 months in federal prison. Exponent II is relieved that this difficult period is over. The board would like to thank the agents at the FBI and the Department of Justice. We would also like to thank those who have supported our organization over the last 17 months. Truly, we could not have gotten through this time without you.

6 Responses

  1. i don’t understand why it took so long to discover the theft. Exponent should have had checks and balances in place from the very beginning when dealing with money. I am grateful for closure both for this community and for Ms. Smith.

      1. There is an exceptional amount of fraud in the LDS community. MLM schemes, fad diets, and get- rich schemes seem designed to prey on people who have a high degree of trust in their co-religionists.

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