
Mormon Anyway

When you’re not a practicing, fully believing member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, it can be surprising to discover you’re still Mormon. People try to draw lines and create definitions to clarify who gets/wants to to claim membership – both believers protecting and non-believers departing. But it’s surprising to discover how much of being Mormon is heritage, culture, and history. Perhaps, the current prophet did us all a favor creating rigidity about using “LDS” and “Mormon” because, despite distance, animosity, faith crisis, and more, many discover that – despite it all – they’re Mormon anyway.

Mormon Anyway

You might be Mormon Anyway if you:

  1. Claim pioneer heritage who walked the plains
  2. Dressed up at least once for a “Road Show”
  3. Can define the difference between “steak” and “stake”
  4. Feel a little tinge of shame about shopping, playing sports, etc. on Sundays
  5. Spent the weekend watching old men in suits give talks while eating candy in your pjs
  6. Woke up before the sun to attend seminary (or were one of the less righteous who simply attended during the school day)
  7. Feel brave showing your shoulders in a tank top
  8. Are not shocked by the inclusion of pretzels in Jello
  9. Break out the good sparkling cider every New Year’s Eve
  10. Saw your first rated-R movie in college
  11. Practiced being a missionary for a youth activity
  12. Attended a standards night
  13. Attended a progressive dinner at church member’s homes
  14. Worn long pants in the scorching heat to camp
  15. Celebrated “Bishop’s Night” (men) at Girl’s Camp
  16. Kept a tithing jar
  17. Had church clothes and shoes and must dress up to attend services as an adult
  18. Have an incredible conversion story
  19. Have an opinion on what a good Family Home Evening looks like
  20. Don’t bat an eye when testimony meetings go off track
  21. Held a wedding reception in a venue with basketball hoops
  22. Try to do genealogy, but it’s all been done
  23. Could still find an EFY soundtrack somewhere
  24. Know the moves to the YMCA and begin them anytime you hear the song
  25. Were shocked to learn most people go to church for one hour
  26. Have rooted for BYU, even if you didn’t go there
  27. Use familiar terms and share memories that have to be explained outside of Mormonism

What would you add?

Mindy May Farmer
Mindy May Farmer
Mom of 4, librarian, writer, feminist, retro style enthusiast, bookworm, felter, and crocheter.


  1. There’s nothing I could do (except maybe get a face tattoo) that would make me less Mormon to the world around me. You’re right – I’m Mormon forever!

  2. Progressive dinners! I haven’t thought of that one in a long time!

    I’d add: If you have participated in making butter by shaking a mason jar while singing primary songs.

  3. This is an awesome list!! I’d add, if you think of a book, not a medical procedure for D&C. If mutual is an activity, not a fund to save money. If you know what someone means when they say “tender mercy”.


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