
The Notable Absence of Birth in Christmas

If we cannot talk honestly about the truth of birth, whether Jesus’ or any other baby’s, and if we continue to erase and dismiss the lived experience of women and center the lives and bodies of men, how can we ever view Mary, or any woman, as fully human?

Guest Post: The Conception of my Inner Voice

Guest Post by Amy. Amy enjoys reading, hiking in the mountains, and learning alongside her three children and husband in Orem, Utah. My oldest child...

Finding Mary

TW: birth experience Did she scream? It bothers me, the way we see Mary after the birth, immaculate blue robe, beatific smile, her perky breast...

Transformative Power of Birth: 2020 WHO Year of the Nurse and Midwife

Guest Post by Annie Kuntz Annie is originally from outside of Boston, Massachusetts and has been living in El Paso, Texas for 10 years.  Annie...

Guest Post: Premature Birth

by TMarie On Mother’s Day last year I found myself pregnant with my second child (a girl), dealing with an intense fear that she would...

Ordinances that are performed by women

We talk so much about the priesthood and ordinances at Church, and we usually connect the two together. Since only men are given the...

On Aging: A Poem for My Daughters

"You don't look your age," they say, When I reveal that I'm forty-two. But my body has begun to betray me. Gray hair is just the beginning: Reading...

A Matriarchal Blessing

(A written prayer, a sort of love letter.) Dear Søren, I bless you with the love I have for you as your mother, my faith in...
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