Women of the Bible Series: from The Women’s Exponent 1889
This article originally appeared in the Women’s Exponent in February 1890. It is a great summary of many women spoken of in the bible, and
Articles from the original Woman’s Exponent of the 1870’s-1910’s and Exponent II Magazine of the 1970’s-1990’s
This article originally appeared in the Women’s Exponent in February 1890. It is a great summary of many women spoken of in the bible, and
by Lucy M. Hewlings, First published in The Women’s Exponent, vol. 7 no. 17 February 1, 1879 The question has been asked, “Was there ever a
Exponent II, Vol. XVI, No. 1 1991 Tea Time at Hotel Utah by Helen Mar Cook, Ogden, Utah On a hot, sunny day, I walk
Exponent II, Vol. V, No.2, Winter 1979 One to Get Ready by Emma Lou Thayne, Salt Lake City, Utah —————– Out of town, on a trip, I
Exponent II, Vol. VI, No.1, Fall 1979 Of Time and Music by Samelynn J. Wood, Portland, Oregon —————– “I thought you could play the piano, Momma.”
Mommy Mum and Baby Mum Originally uploaded by Sister72 A friendly reminder that Exponent II magazine subscriptions are up and running. If you enjoy this
As someone who chooses medicated hospital births, I appreciate this author’s sentiment at the end of this piece that advocates choice for all women when
Exponent II, Vol. II, No.2, December 1975 Woman’s Exponent Revisited: Lost Women (from Woman’s Exponent, 15 September 1876) —————– Lost Women We commend the following thoughts to
Vol. 11, No. 4 (Summer 1985) Ruth Dickson Salt Lake City, Utah It was two days before the high school Christmas dance and, according to
In this excerpt from a 2006 Exponent II article, author Lael Littke reflects on her life as a Mormon feminist. Most recently, Lael co-authored The Company of
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.