Exponent II magazine

Exponent II is proud to publish a stunning magzine that has been in print for more than fifty years. Read these voices or submit a piece to be part of this Mormon feminist magazine that has been amplifying stories since 1974.

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“How Do You Say Thank You?” by Cynthia W. Connell

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The poems grapple with women’s roles in Shakespeare and also in Mormon culture. . . . I’m especially struck by Patterson’s compelling, revisionist lens.

Dear H. & S.,Hung high on your grandparents’ living room wall is a grainy photograph taken 36 years ago in Vietnam, the origin of one of the worlds I inhabit. Standing in a sunny courtyard

Many of the contributors explore places that used to be holy or find holy in unexpected places or times. Several others reimagine a holy place.

I. The mountains were parched, their summer thirst unquenched by shallow stores of snowpack. The reservoirs were dangerously low. Each day, the sky (and my nose) filled with smoke that blew in from California forest

and with this lineage
I run my hands
over my stomach,
my thighs, hug my cheeks.
whisper, I love you.

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The mission of To Ukraine With Love is to “Help the people on the ground in Ukraine outlast their invaders.” Hope is something people in Ukraine cannot afford to lose.

My sacred space is everywhere, though for only a brief moment because with each step, each breath, I am in another space.

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The Love Map is a short but mighty novel with a lovely message, no matter in which of the four kingdoms a reader might most often find herself.