Exponent II
Exponent II

A feminist forum for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum

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Vol. 43 No. 4 — Spring 2024

COVER ART — “Strands of Sisterhood Secured” by Page Turner
Assemblage sculpture from found and handmade objects, 24 x 18 x 1 in. Visual blessing text at the end of the Table of Contents.
pageturnerstudios.com | @pageturnerstudios

LETTER FROM EDITOR “50 Years: A Reunion Issue” by Rachel Rueckert

ESSAY “An Existential Question” by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

ESSAY “What I Owe Exponent II” by Nancy Tate Dredge

ESSAY “When Sisters Speak” by Judy Dushku

ESSAY “A Record Shall Be Kept” by Claudia Lauper Bushman

ESSAY “Celebrating 50 Years of Exponent IIby Grethe Ballif Peterson

ESSAY “Exponent II Gave Me Feminist Friends” by Diane McKinney Kellogg

ESSAY “Courage, Integrity, Competency” by Helen Claire Sievers

ESSAY “50 Years Later Still a ‘Smart Person’” by Marti Sorensen Lythgoe

ESSAY “What 50 Years of Exponent II Have Meant to Me” by Cherie Taylor Pedersen

ESSAY “Reared on the Laps of the Matriarchs” by Linda Hoffman Kimball

ESSAY “Stumbling across Exponent IIby Robin Zenger Baker

ESSAY “Bold, Clear, Confident” by Jenny Atkinson

ESSAY “Retreat: Reflect, Reinvent, Reunite, Renew” by Heather Sundahl

ESSAY “Origins of Exponent Retreat Quilts” by Kirsten Campbell

ESSAY “A Love Letter to the Retreat” by Emily Fisher Gray

ESSAY “Greener Pastures Don’t Need Me” by April Young-Bennett

ESSAY “Sisterhood” by Sherrie Gavin

ESSAY “An Exponent II Daughter” by Anne Lara (Annie) Dredge Kuntz

ESSAY “Into the Woods” by Lindsay Denton

ESSAY “Exponent II, My Community” by Lori LeVar Pierce

ESSAY “How Exponent II Helped Me Become the Woman I Always Wanted to Be” by Alma Frances Pellett

ESSAY “Mary and Martha” by Margaret Olsen Hemming

ESSAY “How I Came to Co-Write Fifty Years of Exponent IIby Katie Ludlow Rich

HISTORY “Early Production of the Paper” by Katie Ludlow Rich

HISTORY “Poets Remembered” by Ann Gardner Stone, Emma Lou Thayne, Helen Candland Stark, Linda Sillitoe, Margaret Rampton Munk

HISTORY “Diary Excerpts” by Carol Lynn Pearson

HISTORY “A History of Artwork in Exponent IIby Nancy Ross

HISTORY “Highlights from the Blog” by Ann Moulton Johnson, April Young-Bennett, Abby Maxwell Hansen

HISTORY “Keeping a Record: The Journey of Digitizing the New, Entire Exponent II Collection” by Carol Ann Litster Young

SHOUT OUT “50 Years of the Exponent II Paper Almost Wasn’t So” by Karen Call Haglund

SHOUT OUT Excerpt from “Creativity: A Constant Renewal” by Susan Elizabeth Howe

SHOUT OUT “Capturing Feathers” by Cheryl Davis DiVito

SHOUT OUT “A Bright Light” by Roslyn (Roz) Udall

SHOUT OUT “I Wouldn’t Have Cared if Exponent II Were Published on Paper Towels” by Karen Rosenbaum

SHOUT OUT “Just What I Needed” by Sue Booth-Forbes (formerly Paxman)

SHOUT OUT “The Sisterhood That So Lovingly Saw Me Through” by Barbara Streeper Taylor

SHOUT OUT “Just Do It!” by Naomi Horne

SHOUT OUT “Permission” by Anja Shafer

SHOUT OUT “A Friend I Can Take Anywhere” by Emily Parker Updegraff

SHOUT OUT “Finding Exponent II, Finding Myself” by Caroline Kline

SHOUT OUT “It is All Trust — All Gift” by Aimee Evans Hickman

SHOUT OUT “Change is Slow, Patience is Necessary, Mistakes Are Part of the Process” by Emily Clyde Curtis

SHOUT OUT “A Tribute to Exponent On Your 50th Anniversary” by Allison Pingree

SHOUT OUT “What Exponent Means to Me” by Sylvia Cabus

SHOUT OUT “I Would Not Be Who I Am, or Where I Am, Without It” by Katrina Vinck Baker

SHOUT OUT “Three Generations” by Deon S. Turley

SHOUT OUT “I Can Now Stand Confidently In My Path” by Tirza Davis

SHOUT OUT “Hope in the Goodness of Friendship” by Julie Theriault

SHOUT OUT “How Do You Say Thank You?” by Cynthia W. Connell

POETRY “Exponent:” by Melody Newey Johnson

POETRY “Cambridge, 1974:” by Abby Parcel

POETRY “No Need to Knock” by Dayna Patterson

POETRY “The Great She Is” by Rachel Hunt



Editor-in-Chief Rachel Rueckert
Managing Editor Carol Ann Litster Young
Art Editor Rocio Cisneros
Layout Designer & Editor Rosie Gochnour Serago
Fiction Editor C. Chanel Earl
Blog Feature Editor Natasha Rogers
Book Reviews Editor Ynna Padilla
Poetry Editor Abby Parcell
Sabbath Pastorals Editor Nicole Sbitani
Women’s Theology Editor Eliza Wells


President Lori LeVar Pierce
Vice President & Secretary Lindsay Denton
Treasurer Jeanine Bean
Members Andee Bowden, Carol Ann Litster Young, Jessica Gray, Natasha Rogers, Nancy Ross, Rachel Rueckert, Rosie Gochnour Serago, Heather Sundahl


History and Editorial Support Katie Ludlow Rich
50th Anniversary Logo Designer Gloria Pak
Art Community Ambassador Page Turner
Subscription Manager Gwen Volmar
Proofreaders Kami Coppins, Hannah Mortenson, Cherie Pedersen, Karen Rosenbaum

Strands of Sisterhood Secured: A Visual Blessing

Sisterhood is a force — the power that holds us together — connecting each of us through threads that weave and stretch and are strong. The sisterhood cultivated by Exponent II was born from the threads severed by patriarchy, buried and hidden for generations. These severed connections — retied, bundled anew — are secured with the wisdom of our foremothers. This glue that holds the stars in the heavens restored the touchstone of our sisterhood.

I made this “Visual Blessing” for the cover of the 50th anniversary issue of Exponent II. A women’s blessing, offered through visual medium rather than verbal. An act I claim from Emma, Eliza, and Pheobe; Claudia, Laurel, and Judith, Caroline, Aimee, and Rachel. This work reflects my personal experience with finding Exponent II a decade ago, connecting me with a community that is both contemporary and solidly grounded in our women’s history. I am inspired reading the words and work of my sisters who, like me, were severed from the knowledge of our history and power but now reclaim and restore so that it will not be lost again. When I found Exponent II, I truly felt that I had found my place where I am seen, my story heard and celebrated. Working as art editor during my tenure gave me an opportunity to find and connect with artists. Dare I say, I have been bundled with them. This artist solidarity allows me to continue to pull these threads that are our sisterhood and add a few threads of my own. Adding to the support and strength of our sisterhood, I stand on the shoulders of strong sisters — securing our sisterhood. Page has served as art editor and art community ambassador for Exponent II since 2015. This piece, like much of her artwork, draws on collected materials that reflect her own sacred spaces while inviting other women to search for their own. Instagram: @pageturnerstudios

Vol. 43 No. 4 — Spring 2024 ritual