Exponent II magazine

Exponent II is proud to publish a stunning magzine that has been in print for more than fifty years. Read these voices or submit a piece to be part of this Mormon feminist magazine that has been amplifying stories since 1974.

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“How Do You Say Thank You?” by Cynthia W. Connell

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Our Mother-Goddess gleaming bright,
Shine on us with thy perfect light,
Alleluia! Alleluia!

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In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, women are not ordained to priesthood offices. The established pattern is assumed to be from God, and thus, must be overturned by God — if at

Eight years old. Two pairs of bare feet stomped on the dock, stopped for a moment, and sprang — one girl diving perfectly, the other flopping on her belly awkwardly, feeling weighed down by the

Now that I’m a parent, my framework for God is colored by my everyday life.

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Our firstborn baby, years too early and six days late…

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I am the CEO in a male-dominated industry and have five children under the age of 12.

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Every Needful Thing... [reads] like the ultimate FAQ readers wrestle with on a regular basis...

My place in the Patriarchal orders of the Priesthood has been suspended, likely never to be reinstated. I am a transgender woman, one who has set aside her temple recommend and authorization to exercise the