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Book Review Series: Ella

EllaGuest Post by Kacee. Kacee is preparing to adopt her 5th child in the next week. (November is National Adoption Month in the US!) She lives in a very rural area in Utah, where life is still simple. She likes helping at the school her children attend. She also enjoys being outdoors with her family. In her spare time she loves to craft, especially making hair bows for her 4 fabulous and amazing daughters.


I was able to attend the author, Jessilyn Stewart Peaslee’s, book launch for this book last weekend. The launch was absolutely wonderful and the author was beautiful, wearing her very own Cinderella dress. I hoped that the booked lived up to what everyone there felt that it would. It did and then some.


This book was very simple to follow, yet amazingly beautiful to read. Without sharing any spoilers, I’ll start: One thing I loved about Ella was how faithful she was to her parents, even though both of her parents had passed away. Ella’s father was a pure example of love to Ella up to the day he died. Ella followed his footsteps and did everything she could to make her father happy, even if it meant beatings and bitter anger towards her from her stepmother and stepsisters. Ella had nothing to remember her parents by. Her stepmother sold everything after Ella’s father died. Everything, that is, except for a small box that contained two items that meant the world to her. She did everything she could to do to keep these items safe from her step family.


I had the privilege to read this book with my daughter, who turns 13 next month. She enjoyed it because it wasn’t the traditional Cinderella story. There was no magic, no fairy godmother and no mice! Because of the faith and honor she had towards her mother and father, good things came her way naturally. She is a wonderful example to everyone around her. I completely enjoyed being able to share this beautiful book with my daughter.


I can’t think of anything that would’ve made the book any better to read! It was a joy- start to finish. I highly suggest this book to anyone ready to read about a real princess, not a fantasy. Ella is one who is true to herself and finds love the natural way. Inner beauty is worth far more than what you see on the outside. In a word, this was just what I needed to start a season of magic with my family– magic made by family, not by fantasy. I am excited to buy copies of this book for all my nieces this holiday season.

This is a part of the Exponent Book Review Series and Cyber Monday Giveaway. By making a thoughtful comment on this post, subscribing to the Exponent, or making a donation to Exponent II by sending a PayPal donation to [email protected], you will be entered into a drawing to win one of many books being reviewed! Check the intro post for information and terms. Entries accepted until the 5th of December 2015.

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Exponent II features the work of guest authors writing about issues related to Mormonism and feminism. Submit a guest post Write for Exponent II.

7 Responses

  1. I love retellings of traditional fairy tales, particularly when they come from a new angle. “Ella” is going on my “to read” list and my “to read out loud to my kids” list, too.

  2. That sounds amazing! Do you think it would be appropriate for a 10yr old? I love those stories and think my niece would love it!

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