I, CLAUDIA by Claudia Lauper Bushman
She is well known and loved as the first editor of the Exponent II. And yet, the story of Claudia Bushman is so much more than being a Founding Mother.
She is well known and loved as the first editor of the Exponent II. And yet, the story of Claudia Bushman is so much more than being a Founding Mother.
[This book] is a collection of stories by queer current, former, and adjacent LDS people.
This book has never been more urgent, timely, relevant, and needed.
From premed student to physician, and eventually from physician to state senator.
Peggy Fletcher Stack’s A World of Faith (BCC Press, 2023), features 32 religions of the world accompanied by Kathleen Peterson’s impeccably detailed illustrations. Like the
he Hymn of the Pearl is an origin story answering the questions, “Where do I come from?” and “What is my purpose on earth?”
Every Needful Thing… [reads] like the ultimate FAQ readers wrestle with on a regular basis…
The poems grapple with women’s roles in Shakespeare and also in Mormon culture.
. . . I’m especially struck by Patterson’s compelling, revisionist lens.
The Love Map is a short but mighty novel with a lovely message, no matter in which of the four kingdoms a reader might most often find herself.
Rueckert breaks new ground by centering her marriage, her struggle with the Mormon understanding of marriage, and her year-long global honeymoon journey.
Exponent II provides feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.