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Relief Society

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1977 Relief Society Activism (Under Priesthood Supervision, Of Course)

This twenty-minute video was recently released by KUED, a public television station in Utah to accompany Makers: Women Who Make America.  It outlines 1970s feminist history in Utah,  including the LDS church intervention that prevented passage of the ERA by the Utah legislature.  Disturbing footage of a Relief Society-sponsored mob at a 1977 feminist event in Salt Lake City was a shocking revelation for me.  Over 1,200 Relief Society sisters were assigned by the church to attend the gathering, gravely outnumbering the 300 other women in attendance.  The RS sisters were instructed to vote down almost all resolutions at...
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Daughters in My Kingdom: A Lesson Plan Series Dedicated to International...

Women’s suffrage is an important part of the history of Mormon women and the Relief Society. Because the majority of Mormon women in the nineteenth century were living in Utah territory, Utah history characterises Mormon Women’s suffrage. Thus, Utah history is the axis from which Mormon women’s history is cultivated, even outside of Utah, even outside of the United States. In the 1847 settlement of Salt Lake, women living in the Salt Lake area were allowed to vote by ballot. Though limited and not well documented, this is possibly the first time in US history where women voted in conjunction with...
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Relief Society Lesson 7: Faithfulness in Times of Trial

The anecdote from Lorenzo Snow’s life that begins this lesson is a charming story of President Snow finding a way to take his fellow Saints minds off their troubles as they waited in the destitute camp of Mount Pisgah for their opportunity to move west. It wasn’t an easy time for Snow; he and his wife Charlotte had an infant daughter die, and they spent the winter in a log cabin with a dirt floor. But holding evening readings there with lanterns made of turnips and sheets draped on the walls made their guests feel “as happy as though...
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My story starts like this: I was very excited when the Church released Daughters in my Kingdom, the new history of the Relief Society. But months went by, and despite my best intentions, I didn't read it. I know. I suck. Yet I felt a bit frustrated that the book was not incorporated into Church curriculum. At the very least it seems like it should be studied in Relief Society itself. Meanwhile, it came to my attention that a few women in our ward were struggling with their English. In another lifetime I taught English as a second language and...
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Keeping it Real in Relief Society

A few weeks ago, a teacher in Relief Society asked me to prepare a few remarks on my experience with conversion and testimony for her lesson on that topic. I asked her if she was ok with an unconventional conversion story, and she said she was. So I got up and said the following. I was worried that I would make some people uncomfortable, and no doubt I did, but it felt good to be honest about (some of) my struggles. "I have a very unconventional conversion story for you. Despite having been raised and married in the church, I...
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February 2013 Visiting Teaching Message: Converted unto the Lord

Years ago, when I was dealing with depression that resulted from a move and the associated massive changes in my life, I sought out an LDS counsellor. I had gone to some counselling sessions at LDS Family Services, but the counsellors there were all men, and I felt the absence of female empathy and direction. I wanted an LDS counsellor because much of my angst was church related. In hindsight, I understand that I sought spiritual advice from a woman, but given the patriarchal structure of the church, only could comprehend female, Mormon, inspired, advice could come from a woman who was...
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The Weak Will Be Made Strong, One Calling at a Time

Two things to know about me: I love fiction, and I dislike Church books.  I try to keep an open mind when some well meaning friend gives me the latest Deseret Book on faith or discipleship, but I rarely make it past the intro. Way too didactic. And boring. But when friends gave me a copy of For All the Saints by Kristen Smith Dayley, I knew I had to read it. The book is based on hundreds of interviews of Boston saints, many of whom I know, and many of the interviews I personally transcribed for what was...
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The Relief Society: A Women’s Organization?

In a 2009 speech, General Relief Society President Beck said, "The Relief Society is the largest women’s organization in the world. The fact that it works under priesthood direction makes it completely unique." 1  Yes, it certainly is unique to call an organization "a women's organization" when it works under the direction of a men-only organization.  Can we really call Relief Society a "women's organization" if it is governed by men, not women? Let's read more of the speech: "Each Relief Society president is called to assist one bishop or branch president." "In planning meetings, leaders should give priority to...
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An Invitation to Celebrate Mormon Women in Sacrament Meeting

This year, the 171st anniversary of the establishment of the first Relief Society falls on Sunday, 17 March 2013. With this, an opportunity is created for branches and wards throughout the world to have sacrament meeting on this day devoted to Mormon women and the Relief Society. What’s that you say? Mother’s Day is all about women? No. It is not. Mother’s Day is about mothers. Although all mothers are women, not all women are mothers. This is a chance for all church members to gather, teach and learn about the contribution of women who are devoted to Christ. True...
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Relief Society Lesson Chapter 23: “Of You It Is Required to...

This is the first time I've done a Relief Society lesson for the Exponent, and I’m not sure what the procedure is. So here are areas I would try to cover if I were teaching this lesson or things I’d like brought up as a participant in a lesson on forgiveness. Forgiveness does not require you to put yourself in harm’s way: The most important thing I feel is missing from most lessons on forgiveness is that forgiveness does not mean restoring trust in or contact with the person who is being forgiven. There are people who do terrible things to us. Forgiving them does not...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.