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Gospel Principles #47: Exaltation

This seems like a lesson where it would be very very easy to get bogged down by nit-picky details like, "What exactly, is the difference between the 3 kingdoms? What kind of people end up in which kingdom?" Or it could also end up creating what I call a gospel checklist mindset- which is where people think that they can save themselves by just doing everything on the list, and then doing it again better (the lesson manual even includes a list of things we have to do to be exalted). The trouble with this mindset is you can't...
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Gospel Principles #44: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Looking forward to the Savior’s Second Coming The people at the time of Christ were familiar with prophesies about Christ, but they were sometimes confused, not understanding that He would come in glory and reign on Earth during His Second Coming, not during the first, when He would come in humility and not political power. “The Jews were looking for a redeemer quite different from the Christ. It was a temporal salvation that they desired. It was an earthly kingdom for which they longed. It was not faith, repentance, and baptism for which they sought, but national vindication, the destruction of...
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Gospel Principles #46: Final Judgement

Guest Post by ZD Eve Introduction I might begin this lesson by making the point that judgment is a part of a life. We’re judged by the teachers who grade us, by the employers who hire and evaluate us, by the prospective spouses we date and the spouses we marry, by our parents and children and friends and neighbors—and our bishops and stake presidents. All of us pass judgment, and all of us undergo judgment. I’d then ask the class to think of some of the ways we evaluate and judge each other, and list their answers on the board. Some possibilities: Appearance Age Clothing Hairstyle Weight Income Level...
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Gospel Principles #45: The Millenium

by Aimee I must admit my practical bias in teaching any church lesson: How do these teachings influence our thinking to help us become better people now? For me, finding what is at the core of these lessons that can comfort our hearts and stretch our souls is the key to making these lessons both successful and meaningful. In lessons that focus on abstract ideas or events that have been prophesied, it can be easy for a class to be side-tracked by speculation and pontificating (hence the manual’s caution that “the subject of the Millennium sometimes leads people to speculate about...
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Gospel Principles 44: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

by Kelly Ann It has come to our attention that we accidentally skipped posting an outline to Relief Society lesson 44 (The Second Coming of Jesus Christ) last week as was scheduled.  A detailed lesson plan will be forthcoming, but for those of you prepping to teach tomorrow, hopefully this will provide a space for you to share your thoughts of what you are planning on presenting or any questions that you might have that other readers might be able to respond to. Things to consider might be how would you … -          make the lesson applicable to women in varying family...
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Gospel Principles 43: Signs of the Second Coming

Today's Relief Society lesson comes from Erin, today's guest for The Exponent and Doves & Serpents Blog Swap. Thinking about this week's lesson - Chapter 43: Signs of the Second Coming - gave me flashbacks to some of the second coming lessons I have heard over the years. With very few exceptions, they were scary and doomsday-esque in flavor! For some people, keeping track of the signs of the times is a favorite gospel hobby. In fact, for some people, being able to recognize the signs gives them hope. However, I am guessing that an equal number of people start...
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Gospel Principles 41: The Postmortal Spirit World

This seems to me like it would be a very hard lesson to teach for several reasons. First, consider this question from the manual: What comfort do you receive from your knowledge that there is life after death? How can we use our understanding of the postmortal spirit world to comfort others ? This question communicates to me (and my personal experience concurs with it) that the beliefs we hold about the postmortal spirit world are primarily for our own comfort; they do very little to change or shape our behavior on earth (as compared to our beliefs about, say,...
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Gospel Principles 42: The Gathering of Israel

I love and am a little obsessed with Jewish culture and history, so the content of this lesson as it goes in the manual is a bit too cut and dry for me. Maybe even boring? But even so, I think a very different type of discussion can come out of what it means to gather Israel, both physically and spiritually. I would start this lesson out by skipping the first section. I'm not sure where I fall on understanding the need to have a chosen people of God, so I would probably not get...
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Gospel Principles 40: Temple Work and Family History

My apologies!  I was supposed to have this lesson (here it is on LDS.org as a reference) up a couple weeks ago and have kind of thrown things together, so please feel free to share your ideas in the comments.  I've put questions I'd ask the class in italics; the rest of my thoughts are in regular font. I had a hard time writing this lesson, so the lesson I would give (as seen below) is pretty unstructured.  If you'd like a really thoughtful and well done lesson, you must check out mraynes' lesson from 2009 here. At any rate, this...
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Gospel Principles 39: The Law of Chastity

Start the discussion be reading and dissecting the Note to Parents. It is a remarkably accurate and progressive stance on sexual education. NOTE TO PARENTS “Our Church leaders have told us that parents are responsible to teach their children about procreation (the process of conceiving and bearing children). Parents must also teach them the law of chastity, which is explained in this chapter. Parents can begin teaching children to have proper attitudes toward their bodies when children are very young. Talking to children frankly but reverently and using the correct names for the parts and functions of their bodies will help...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.