
Don’t Call Me Mormon!

Don't Call Me Mormon!When my kids first discovered that I belt out a song each year at the Exponent Retreat, they fell down laughing. No one has ever said to me, “Heather, you have a lovely singing voice!” But when I explained that I take a hymn and rewrite the lyrics in a mocking manner, they nodded in understanding. “Oh! So you’re like Weird Al, but Mormon, and a girl,” my son said in awe. Because people do frequently say to me, “Heather, you are very irreverent.”

Last year I left the green hymnal and sought inspiration in pop music. I latched on to the nursing scandal (get it, “latched on”) where the poor mom in Logan dared to feed her baby in the foyer as opposed to the mother’s lounge. I paired my new lyrics with One Direction’s “You Don’t Know You’re Beautiful” and “You Can’t Let Your Boobies Show” was born (co-writing credits go to the ever sassy Liz). Here are some links to past songs sung by the Red Hot Mamas: Persisters in Zion, Come Ye Husbands of the Ward, The Modesty Song .

This year I collaborated with KiCam to bring you a fresh take on Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Call me Maybe.” I even got an apple cheeked teen to sing it for me and paired it with images of some of my favorite Saints/Mormons/LDS/Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That is a mouthful.  Go ahead. Sing along. No talent required!!

11 Responses

  1. This is great! Once I rewrote the lyrics to the Wilson Phillips song “Release Me,” from the point of view of a Primary president begging the Bishop to release her from her calling.

  2. Hahaha so good!
    BTW – just got your book via D&J – love the inscription! And yes – feminism runs deep here – maybe it’s my socialist British roots 😀

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