General Women's Session

Women’s Lamentations

How can women be full partners when men will not promote them from associates? How can women organize when men must authorize every action? How can women inspire when they are crushed by patriarchy?

President Oaks, The Women’s Session Did Not Address Women’s Concerns

One of the most painful parts of having concerns about women’s issues in the Church is that they are rarely, if ever, acknowledged by...

Women’s session to return at #LDS General Conference — ‘Hooray,’ says feminist poet #LDSconf #GeneralConference #WomensSession

(Exponent blogger April Young-Bennett was less enthused.) Read the full article: Women’s session to return at LDS General Conference — ‘Hooray,’ says feminist poet

Has the LDS church become more woman-friendly since 2015?

During the last half decade, several improvements have been made to policies within the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) that can be directly connected to public awareness campaigns, lobbying and publications by Mormon advocates. I am now taking a look back at progress over the last six years.

It’s the Message, Not the Messenger, That Matters. Or Is It?

I had a conversation recently with an elderly woman who is a dear friend of mine. We were talking about General Conference, and I...

Is not this the fast that I have chosen?

On Saturday evening, Russell M. Nelson challenged women and girls (but not men and boys) to "fast" from social media for 10 days, with...

Something’s Missing in General Conference: Where Are the Women?

One year ago, it was announced that the Priesthood Session and Women’s Session of General Conference would only be held once a year and...

General Women’s Session: Certain Women

I loved Sister Burton's talk at the General Women's Session.  Her talk was framed around the concept of "certain women," based off of scriptures...
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