Gospel Principles

Gospel Principles #47: Exaltation

This seems like a lesson where it would be very very easy to get bogged down by nit-picky details like, "What exactly, is the...

Gospel Principles #44: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

Looking forward to the Savior’s Second Coming The people at the time of Christ were familiar with prophesies about Christ, but they were sometimes confused,...

Gospel Principles #46: Final Judgement

Guest Post by ZD Eve Introduction I might begin this lesson by making the point that judgment is a part of a life. We’re judged by...

Gospel Principles #45: The Millenium

by Aimee I must admit my practical bias in teaching any church lesson: How do these teachings influence our thinking to help us become better...

Gospel Principles 44: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

by Kelly Ann It has come to our attention that we accidentally skipped posting an outline to Relief Society lesson 44 (The Second Coming of...

Gospel Principles 43: Signs of the Second Coming

Today's Relief Society lesson comes from Erin, today's guest for The Exponent and Doves & Serpents Blog Swap. Thinking about this week's lesson - Chapter...

Gospel Principles 41: The Postmortal Spirit World

This seems to me like it would be a very hard lesson to teach for several reasons. First, consider this question from the manual: What...

Gospel Principles 42: The Gathering of Israel

I love and am a little obsessed with Jewish culture and history, so the content of this lesson as it goes in the manual...
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