

A Message from the Exponent II Team

myEX2For 5 days next week (May 18 – 22), we have planned for you, our dear blog readers, an excellent series of posts: 15 stories from Exponent II readers, bloggers, board members, and founders.  These personal stories will center on the benefits the Exponent II blog and magazine have brought to our lives. And we will raise funds to improve the technology of our blog. Our goal is to stabilize the blog so that we can build both our magazine and blog readership – and continue to provide Mormon women’s content for all our readers.


WHY THE #myexponent2 FUNDRAISER?

Our bloggers are devoted, our are steadfast, and our volunteers keep things going while juggling babies and full-time jobs. To keep the Exponent II machine running, we also need technology interfaces and support – which doesn’t come from devotion and commitment. We are raising funds with #myexponent2 – to enhance our blog, our webpage, our data, and our contact with you. Our goal is to raise $10,000 in 5 days starting next week.
(Exponent II is an incorporated nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization. Funds are housed in a business account with deposits and withdrawals reviewed monthly at board meetings.)


  • Community
    (A community without technology disruptions which can happen with high traffic posts)
  • Our Facebook page, Twitter feed, Pinterest, and Instagram presence
  • Blog posts with inspiration, motivation, and humor
  • Stories with compassion and grit – stories brought to the public by donors like you
  • Church help through lessons, messages, and book reviews
  • The continued richness of the Exponent II magazine
  • Exponent II art

PRIZES – more of what’s in for you

  • Everyone who donates will get a #myexponent2 button mailed to them
  • Emma Smith Legacy donation of $100 or more will enter you into a raffle for a Bosch Mixer (Limit: one chance per donor)
  • Chieko Okazaki Legacy donation of $50 or more will enter you into a raffle for a free registration for the Exponent II retreat this fall (Limit: one chance per donor)
  • Lulu Richards Legacy donation of $27 or more enters you to win a one-year Exponent II magazine subscription and a Habits of Being book (Limit: one chance per donor)
  • Emmeline Wells Legacy donation of $5 or more enters you to win an Exponent II online magazine subscription
  • Belle Spafford Sustaining Legacy donation of $5 or more (per month) enters you to win an Exponent II basket of stationery, 3 back copies of the magazine and an online subscription to the magazine

Matriarch to Millions - Page Turner

  • **NEW** Minerva Teichert Legacy donation of $20 or more enters you to win a limited edition 8.5 x 11 print of “Matriarch to Millions” (pictured above) by Mormon feminist artist Page Turner, valued at $120 each.  (Limit: one chance per donor per day, with one print being raffled off each day from May 18-22.  Donate $20 or more daily to increase your chances of winning this gorgeous art!).   Page describes the art as follows:

Matriarch to Millions is made from an antique salt shaker, filled with wheat berries, and an antique perfume bottle, adorned with a skirt made from a quilt that has been in my family 4 generations.  It has deteriorated so bad, yet it holds so much history and is deserving of respect – just like our own Heavenly Mother.  The watch around her waist is from my father’s jewelry bench, where I first learned on his lap, how to smith gold and silver. (which also informs my art and especially my scale/detail) The wings I preserved in the manner I was taught my one of the elder sisters who I use to visit as a child (across the hallow) deep in the mountain of Virginia.

Additionally, the original sculpture is for sale, and Page has generously offered to donate 50% of the sale proceeds to Exponent II.  Contact us at exponentblog[at]gmail[dot]com for more information on purchasing the original sculpture!

Kirsten with Exponent IIWHAT CAN YOU DO

  • Take a selfie with your favorite Exponent II magazine to post online and share widely!
  • Use the #myexponent2 logo as your Facebook image next week as an overlay (see below)
  • Share blog posts
  • Donate and ask friends to donate!

Spread the word and DONATE NOW! 



Support Exponent II with a tax-deductible donation. You can click on the Paypal button in the sidebar or above, or email Paypal donations to exponent2treasurer[at]gmail[dot]com. Thank you for your support!

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  • No mudslinging: Stating disagreement is fine — even strong disagreement, but no personal attacks or name calling. No personal insults.
  • Try to stick with your personal experiences, ideas, and interpretations. This is not the place to question another’s personal righteousness, to call people to repentance, or to disrespectfully refute people’s personal religious beliefs.
  • No sockpuppetry. You may not post a variety of comments under different monikers.

Note: Comments that include hyperlinks will be held in the moderation queue for approval (to filter out obvious spam). Comments with email addresses may also be held in the moderation queue.

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