Exponent II magazine

Exponent II is proud to publish a stunning magzine that has been in print for more than fifty years. Read these voices or submit a piece to be part of this Mormon feminist magazine that has been amplifying stories since 1974.

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“How Do You Say Thank You?” by Cynthia W. Connell

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II. Remnants Leaves alight with flame from dying rays split by rocky silhouettes. Another world nestled amongst clouds, guided by a one-way road. Wind whips through our hair as unfamiliar music shouts and you laugh

The following is adapted from a Relief Society lesson.One of the best compliments I’ve ever gotten is, “I keep forgetting you have a husband.” I’ve trained my speech over years to use the first-person plural

1. After We Spoke After we spoke, on the road to Canada, I remembered when we saw god in a cloud behind the east wall of Provo. That mountain god, visible but far. That god

Puppies are agents of chaos, in a Manhattan apartment especially so.

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What did we possibly have in common? How would we work together? Wouldn’t she be frustrated by my crazy-busy life? . . . I didn’t think she would be the friend I desperately needed. Yet,

Were we actually friends? Or was He more like a benevolent caretaker and I was forever in his debt?