Homemothers' day

Blog Tag: mothers' day

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Favorite Exponent posts about Mothers

Here are some of our favorite posts about motherhood in 2011 and 2012: *Guest post by Pandora about being a new empty nester *April blogs about Primary's best Mother's Day songs *Spunky writes about trying to identify with Mary as a childless woman *Alisa's poem about being a mother of a child with special needs *Deborah's poem about her niece, a former orphan *DefyGravity muses, "Is there divinity without motherhood?" *Whoa-Man's letter to Heavenly Mother *kmillecam defines her life, mothering and beyond *Jessawhy on finding a career after motherhood *Two of Three's guest post on giving children self-esteem *Guest post Brittany Kunz's post about the death of her young son *Zenaida...
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That Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

Looking for that special gift for Mother's Day?  Habits of Being: Mormon Women's Material Culture is Exponent II‘s first book published in over 30 years. A variety of Mormon women write about objects they have inherited from their ancestresses in this collection of essays and poetry. Humorous and heart-breaking, this collection includes works by Linda Hoffman Kimball, Jana Riess, Margaret Toscano, and Laurel Thatcher Ulrich. Order here by Tuesday, May 1st at midnight (PST) to receive your copy (or one sent as a gift) in time for Mother's Day. The Spring 2012 LGBTQ issue is now in the mail, but because of...
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The Best Mother’s Day Primary Songs

I was the ward primary chorister for a long time—a very, very long time. A great annual challenge I faced was selecting a song for the children to sing on Mother’s Day. Father’s Day was less difficult.  You wouldn’t think that would be the case.  After all, there are only three songs in Children’s Songbook written specifically for fathers.  In contrast, there are six songs written just for mothers. However, I like all three of these Father’s Day songs.  Daddy’s Homecoming and My Dad are cute tributes to how fun and likeable a Dad can be. Fathers emphasizes the spirituality of...
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Women Validating Women: Celebrating Mother’s Day and Teacher Appreciation Week

I’ve been in a rotten mood this week because I want to know who’s idea it was to make National Teacher Appreciation Week the week before Mother’s Day?  In a profession that is dominated by women and in a society that traditionally trains females to be the ones to recognize and appreciate others, it feels a little silly as I watch myself and the women around me, running around appreciating each other. Now, don’t get me wrong, heavens knows teachers need to be appreciated.  We should have a whole month, a whole year to appreciate them (and give them all a...
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Announcement: Submission Request for Fall 2010 Exponent II Issue

Exponent II’s Summer issue is on its way to layout and is slated for publication this June.  We’re now looking for personal essays, poetry, book reviews, fiction, art and other writing for upcoming issues including our next due out in the fall. Please submit pieces by June 15, 2010 to [email protected].  Suggested (but flexible) length of submissions is between 1,000 and 3,000 words. Can’t think of what to write about?  Consider some of these ideas: Upcoming Topics a.  My Spirituality and My Passion: How has your spirituality helped you to discover a passion you pursue outside of the Church?  Does the statement “the...
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Mothers Day Gift from Bishopric to Women?

Mothers Day is a hard day for a lot of Mormon women. I myself have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I think it's refreshing to listen to talks and lessons that actually focus on women.  On the other hand, the exalted rhetoric on motherhood, the heroic accounts of utter maternal selflessness, the essentialization of women, the exclusion (and sometimes painful inclusion) of women who are not mothers.... well, as I said before, it can be a hard day. One thing that made that day doubly difficult for me a couple of years ago was when the bishopric passed out...
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Standing on the Shoulders of Giants: a Mother's Day Talk

by EmilyCC This isn't a cheery talk.  (My husband, Nate: "I think people are going to want to shoot themselves afterwards.")  But, my points in this talk are twofold: we all can mother (Jesus and Heavenly Father are prime examples) and all that God asks for us in our mothering is to do it in love.  This talk ended up being more conservative than I'd like--you'll see me struggle with the incongruity between our treatment of Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother.  And, I dropped some of my inclusive language because other readers said that members of my conservative ward could get caught...
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When Mother's Day Sucks

Dreamcatcher Sheila, has been doing a series on her personal blog about what she's learned from infertility.  This essay is a version of one of the Fertility Quest posts. Mother's Day, May 11th, is really just around the corner. And let me tell you, it is a day of hell for ladies that struggle to become moms. (And it can be rough for others such as those with relationship concerns with a mother figure, but that isn't the focus for this post.) I still remember all of the Mother's Days where I heard ladies talk about motherhood by saying, “I am...
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The Best Hymns to Sing on Mothers' Day

This last Sunday for Mothers' Day, my ward sang one fantastic hymn ("O My Father") and one hymn I didn't particularly care for ("Home Can Be a Heaven on Earth"). So, in my mind, I'm envisioning my ideal Mothers' Day sacrament meeting. And the hymns I would choose - hymns that empower women, mention women, speak to mothers' concerns, etc. - are the following. My personal preference is to avoid hymns that promote ideals of female domesticity. My favorite Mothers' Day hymns: 1. O My Father because not only does it mention Heavenly Mother, but also it actually addresses both Her and...
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What I really want for Mothers Day…

I have to admit that I appreciate a bouquet of flowers and some very fine dark chocolate. I’ve even really liked the jewelry that my husband has given me for Mother’s Day in past years. And the Eggs Florentine that John and the kids cook from scratch and serve to me in bed is the best. But, I have this secret list of things that would mean a lot more to me than food and flowers. Someday I hope to get one (or more) of these: 1) A clean house. Do the dishes, wash...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.