
Blog Category: grieving

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A Gift of Darkness #CopingwithCOVID19

The collective grief of my country has surged for the second time in my adult life. The first time, I was a young adult, in college on September 11, 2001 when terrorists commandeered planes and used them as bombs to target America. About 3000 Americans were killed. People rallied together. They cried and prayed and lauded firemen as heroes. Many other countries offered condolence or support. I also began to understand for the first time that my country was not everything I had been taught, and that there were not only people who hated us, but that they had...
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Mormons and Death Guest Post: The Loss is Real, Even for...

by Bethany (Bethany and her husband live in Arizona. They have 4 children, 3 on Earth and 1 in heaven.") One of the most comforting ideas in the Mormon church is the one of life after death and eternal families. Not even death can break our familial bonds, we will be together forever. But sometimes it seems like because we believe in these things, it gives us a free pass to not grieve when our loved ones die, or worse, to expect others not to grieve. Mormons pride themselves on having "happy" funerals. The reason being, we “know” we will see them...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.