- Complete "On Faith" conversation at the Washington Post about faith and feminism (source of our last tweet): http://tinyurl.com/3fry24u #
- Some small problems in this, like thinking that an appalled reaction to something means that thing is not true. http://tinyurl.com/3sdqg3p #
- most awesome collection of quotes & links: RT @xJane: new blog post: Feminism in Religion http://bit.ly/eQXlQM #
- congratulations to @thmazing for winning the AML award!! http://bit.ly/dXkJK9 #
- RT @missoularedhead Because that's what teens need to not have sex…underwear that promotes abstinance: http://bit.ly/fDr4mO #
- Life portrayed in Mormon Ads not consistent w/ reality http://bit.ly/feWBa5 #
- TED talk: Tony Porter- A call to men http://on.ted.com/96cq #
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