Book Review: Destiny (No Angel series)

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I enjoyed this book so much that I read it all in one day! This is the third book in the No Angel series by Theresa Sneed. Book 2 (Earthbound Angel) was about Sophie’s life in the spirit world, before her life on Earth, and book 3 (Destiny) is about Sophie’s life on Earth. Now on Earth, Sophie is known as Angie, and, of course, doesn’t remember her life in the spirit world.

Angie is a teenager and gets into all sorts of trouble, especially at the encouragement of her friend, when she asks her to accompany her to meet boys. I absolutely loved Angie’s personality and character. She was incredibly brave and was willing to take risks in order to rescue her friend. Angie does not have a normal, everyday life. What happens is that she comes across human traffickers and, while saving her friend from them, she is kidnapped in the process.

The major problem is that now she’s on a ship with other girls (all captives as well), and they’re not allowed to speak. It’s very unnerving and the girls have to figure out a way to communicate with one another. Also, there is one disturbing scene that I don’t recommend for sensitive readers. Since I’m very sensitive, I had to put down the book for a while, because it shocked and disturbed me. So that’s something to keep in mind.

Now, I won’t tell you how it ends, of course. But I really enjoyed reading it and couldn’t put it down. It was like a suspenseful thriller in a way. Angie and the other girls on the ship are captives and are being taken to Spain, where they will be auctioned off by the traffickers. So how in the world will Angie and the other girls escape?

Throughout the book, Angie shows her courage again and again, and I truly admired that. Even though she was in deep danger, she still cared about others’ well-being and wasn’t afraid to take risks to help others. Even at one point when she was safe, she didn’t forget those who were in danger.

The author also shows what’s happening with the guardian angels. Each person has a guardian angel assigned to them, and so, while all the craziness is happening with the kidnapping and trafficking, the angels are hard at work to try to get the girls out of this situation before the auction.

It was a pretty intense book, and I loved it. I highly recommend it!





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