Picture of Spunky
Spunky lives in Queensland, Australia. She loves travel and aims to visit as many church branches and wards in the world as possible.

Exponent Book Review Series and Cyber-Monday Giveaway

Here at the Exponent, we love books! And we love Christmas! So today we areyou-cant-buy-happiness-but-you-can-buy-books-and-thats-kind-of-the-same-thing introducing the first-ever Exponent Book Review Series and Cyber-Monday Giveaway. From 15 November 2015 to Cyber Monday (30 November, 2015), we will be reviewing books for you (peppered as always with lesson plans).

What lesson plans, you ask? The Exponent blog has happily been creating lesson plans for Relief Society Lessons and Young Women Lessons, in both French and Spanish. If you have not done so before, please check them out. You (and your class), will be happy that you did!

Now, just as President Monson has a “Christmas Treasury of Books,” we have an Exponent Treasury of books some of our bloggers have written, such as Mormon Women Have Their Say, Candy Canes and Christmastime, Mormon Feminism, and Baptism and Boomerangs. (Check out the amazon widget on our homepage for more titles!)

But why are we doing this? Certainly one of my very favourite things to read, and to give, and to receive at Christmastime– are books! And for those whom I love best, I gift a subscription to the Exponent magazine (lucky!). So this is about helping our readers to make happy choices for gifts to friends, family … and self.  This series will give honest reviews of non-fiction books, fiction books, inspirational books, informational books, cookbooks, gardening books, and children’s books — all to help you make inspired choices for Christmas.

PLUS! In grand combination of love, and literature, and love of literature, a combination of book authors, publishers and we– are giving away many of the books to YOU. For free. Because it’s Christmas!

You may enter into the draw to win one of the many books listed below by doing one of three things:

  1. Make a thoughtful comment on one or more of the posts in this Exponent Book Review Series between November 15- December 5, 2015. No cost, just a comment! Make sure you use an email address you check often in the comment section (not published), so we can contact you if your name is drawn as a winner.
  2. Subscribe to the Exponent magazine between November 15- December 5, 2015 (this will get you 2 entries!)
  3. Make a donation of $5 – $10 to the Exponent between November 15- December 5, 2015 (this will get you 1-2 entries!)

Winners will be contacted by December 10, 2015 via email. Winners who do not respond to email contact by December 12 will forfeit their win to another entrant.

Please join us in celebrating the Exponent, literature and Christmas!

Books being given away:

3,000 Miles to Eternity: A True Internet Love Story Baptism and Boomerangs Candy Canes and Christmastime: Enhancing the Holidays in the Real World The Candyman Christmas Christmas Bells and Hero Tails The Cookie Companion: A Decorator's Guide Count It All Joy: Finding Peace in a Troubled World Doing No Harm Ella First Principles and Ordinances: The Fourth Article of Faith in Light of the Temple From Baptist Preacher to Mormon Teacher GIRLS WHO CHOOSE GOD: STORIES OF STRONG WOMEN FROM THE BOOK OF MORMON Mormon Feminism: Essential Writings My Witness of Jesus Christ: Book of Mormon Journal for Youth The Olive Tree: An Artistic Adaptation Papa's Book of Mormon Christmas Pierced by Love Powerful Perennials: Enduring Flower Gardens That Thrive in Any Climate Rhino Trouble Scripture Power! Book of Mormon Journal for Children Soda Springs The Strength of Ballerinas Teaching Children About Sex: Using the Temple as Your Guide Tell Me about It, Sister!: A Guide for Returned Sister Missionaries The Throne of David Understanding Your Endowment When We Became Three: A Memory Book for the Modern Family


This is a part of the Exponent Book Review Series and Cyber Monday Giveaway. By making a thoughtful comment on this post, subscribing to the Exponent, or making a donation to Exponent II by sending a PayPal donation to [email protected], you will be entered into a drawing to win one of many books being reviewed! Check the intro post for information and terms. Entries accepted until the 5th of December 2015.

Exponent Bookstore Buy books by Exponent bloggers, Exponent contributors and books reviewed at the Exponent.

Spunky lives in Queensland, Australia. She loves travel and aims to visit as many church branches and wards in the world as possible.

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