New Editors Announced for Exponent II

Margaret and Pandora In 2009, Aimee Evans Hickman and Emily Clyde Curtis assumed the roles of Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor for the Exponent II magazine. Their incredible work and vision revitalized and refreshed the paper, resulting in a new life for the magazine and a strengthening of the entire Exponent organization.  With the 40th Anniversary double issue now going to press and the Spring 2015 issue underway, Aimee and Emily are stepping down from their positions. We are so grateful to them for their thoughtful leadership and the sacrifices they have made to provide a forum for Mormon women’s voices.

Exponent II is excited to announce its future editors: Margaret Olsen Hemming will step in as the Editor-in-Chief and Pandora Brewer will be the new Managing Editor.  Margaret worked briefly as Exponent II’s layout editor and has been the art editor since 2010.  In addition to the work she has done for Exponent II (which has also included fundraising and other board responsibilities), Margaret has a BA in Government and Politics from the University of Maryland and an MA in International Peace and Conflict Resolution from American University. She is also an AmeriCorps alumna, and previously worked for the International Rescue Committee and the Academy for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law at American University. She is currently raising three young children.  Her guest posts on the Exponent blog can be read here, here, here, here, and here.

Pandora Brewer has been involved with Exponent II since 1990. She has written and edited for the magazine and is a recurring presenter at the annual retreats.  Professionally, Pandora has worked for Crate and Barrel since 1989 and has held multiple positions in stores and at the corporate level. She is currently heading up a Process Improvement Team for the company. Pandora is a proud mom to two grown-up boys and the hungry wife of culinary-inclined husband. She is a perma-blogger for Exponent.  Her posts can be read here, here, here, here, here, here, and here.

Exponent II is delighted that its legacy of standing on “the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism,” as iterated in its first issue in 1974, will continue with its new editors.  To subscribe to the quarterly magazine or to read more about Exponent II’s mission, visit

Caroline has a PhD in religion and studies Mormon women.


  1. Aimee and Emily have done an outstanding job, and I am confident that Margaret and Pandora will be equally amazing. So excited for the new editors and the magazine!

  2. This is a wonderful day! I could not be more excited or confident about Exponent II’s future with Margaret and Pandora at the helm. Carry on! Carry on! Carry on!

    • Thanks Aimee for all of your hard work, dedication, and unique insights and perspective. Glad to hear from Dan last week that you and Jared are well.

  3. Love the picture. Love you both. This is going to be great. I’m hear for you.

    And will miss you – Aimee and Emily. Kudos to you as well!

  4. Exponent has become an important part of my life, with many thanks to Aimee, Emily and others! I am so exited about this continued source of strength being guided by the capable hands of Margaret and Pandora!

  5. Margaret! Meredith Stockman here! Thank you so much for all your work. I just found this site AND became a RS teacher—- I’ll be using a lot of this lesson outline this Sunday. Thank you so much!


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