
Hopes and Predictions for General Conference

General Conference is coming up in about a month. When I was a teenage convert, I was excited about it. I would go to...

World Childless Week

A friend of mine posted on Facebook the other day about World Childless Week. I had never heard of it before, but I felt...

Sacred Music Sunday: From Homes of Saints Glad Songs Arise

I find most of the hymns in the hymnal about home and family to be narrow and reductive - only one kind of home...

Singles’ Wards Are Against My Religion

It's rather peculiar that in the church adults are segregated by marital status. There are entire wards (and in some more densely populated LDS...

The Church of Married Latter-Day Saints

The Church of Jesus Christ of Married Latter-Day Saints I grew up in a big Mormon family. I have dozens of cousins and we'd get...

What not to say to single people at church

At a recent general conference, it was noted that more than half of the adult members of the church are unmarried. Look around your...

The Mountain of the Lord’s House

This past weekend was General Conference. One thing at conference that made me happy was something President Nelson said in his talk in the...

The Temple is More than a Milestone

Guest Post by Nicole Sbitani. Nicole is an adult convert, a non-Black woman of color, and a professional diplomat. She blogs at and...
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