
Politics Flowing Over

Wow, the last 24 hour have been a roller coaster ride, yes? Starting with yesterday's Supreme Court decision that Section 4 of the Voting...

Relief Society Lesson 19: Temporal and Spiritual Blessings from the Word of Wisdom

When I was young, I was often frustrated that one of the only things my peers knew about our faith concerned the negative aspects...

Trees (as in all of them)

by Brooke Tree fixation I am doing research. It involves fidgeting with a camera and sometimes a pencil. Also, it requires strict observance of any and all surroundings. But I must...

House colors

by Brooke It's good to have something that can make you smile when life gets overwhelming. I've been trying to get my bearings in a...

Dances with the daffodils

“For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then...

Friday Photo Feature: Susan Barnson-Hayward

By Susan Barnson-Hayward In high school I took a graphic design class that included a unit of photography. I thought it was magical how a...

As little children. Messy

Who ever said cleanliness was next to godliness didn't have kids. Same with the counsel to harken to the still small voice. I see humor in...

Let Us Be Grateful

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. ~Marcel Proust A gratitude collage composed of...
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