Exponent II magazine

Exponent II is proud to publish a stunning magzine that has been in print for more than fifty years. Read these voices or submit a piece to be part of this Mormon feminist magazine that has been amplifying stories since 1974.

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“How Do You Say Thank You?” by Cynthia W. Connell

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I don’t remember who told me first — my mom? My dad? My Young Women’s President, the one with the indestructible, gravity-defying, blonde hair? Whoever it was, here is what they told me: say yes

Thank you to the creators out there... helping the rest of us navigate and deal with the challenges of our time.

I haven’t heard from her in years— and even then only to decline invitations to my daughters’ weddings but I’m willing to listen. She begins with her heart, her email brimming with testimony— God, Christ,

In the shadow of the hospital, he cradles a box of Triscuits to his chest — tenderly, like a more delicate load. I joke about the familiar gesture, then when my empty arms return home,

Easter is one of my favorite holidays. It is a time we get to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After Jesus died on the cross, His body and spirit were separated and were not

please bless the brothers the fathers, the sons to see themselves in God / to see in God themselves to hear their lives through hymns, scripture, law to find their self on top, in language,

From a Stake Conference address in Highlands Ranch Stake, Colorado My husband, Joel, and I love to ride our bikes. We use a program to see how far we’ve ridden, how fast we’ve gone, and