Exponent II magazine

Exponent II is proud to publish a stunning magzine that has been in print for more than fifty years. Read these voices or submit a piece to be part of this Mormon feminist magazine that has been amplifying stories since 1974.

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“How Do You Say Thank You?” by Cynthia W. Connell

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God does not shroud this truth in disguise. Rather, God spreads the good news of salvation through Christ with the clarity of a trumpet.

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It was our first family gathering since the outbreak of the pandemic. No social distancing now as fourteen of us squeezed elbow to elbow at the fully extended dining table that had seen many family

Weaponizing The Word Strong: A Black LDS Woman’s Guide to VulnerabilityBY RAMONA MORRIS | AUGUST 12, 2021the-exponent.com/weaponizing-the-word-strong-a-black-lds-womans-guide-to-vulnerability. . . As a twenty-four-year-old convert, the word “strong” super-glued itself onto my entire existence as a saint

I have to learn alone/to turn my body— Adrienne Rich*I wasn’t born in the boat, but within its long shadow. Not like my friends, who talked about the boat and told me I was strange

The shallow waters tip me over Make me sway and bend and fall I try to reach out but they pull me down I think they will guide me But shallow waters only run so

Some people are so fatalistic and so neurotically attuned to our own bodies that we are certain every new sensation means that we are dying. Each stuttered heartbeat is a latent blood clot; every twitching

LIGHTWORK I didn’t know until after Grandma died that daisies were her favorite flower. Daisies on her coffin. Daisies in the pallbearers’ boutonnieres. Daisies arranged with Hershey kisses, another of her favorites.Daisies belong to the