Gospel Principles #29: The Lord’s Law of Health

by Kelly Ann

For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; (1 Cor. 12:8)

18And all saints who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments, shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones;
19And shall findwisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures;
20And shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint.
21And I, the Lord, give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them. Amen. (D&C 89:18-21)

[First, I must apologize for the delayed posting and limited outline of this lesson due to an oversight on my part.  I encourage readers to contribute more specific thoughts and browse the variety of links I have posted below.]

Personally, I find the promises of the Word of Wisdom the most powerful part of D&C 89.  I would begin by reviewing them and asking others to share how they have been evident in their lives.  I would then discuss the significance of dietary restrictions throughout the scriptures, the definition of the Word of Wisdom, and the dos and the donts with an emphasis on the positive aspects.  I would then discuss the importance of health in general and how it cultivates the spirit.  I would ask people to share what the Word of Wisdom has meant to them at different times in their lives.  I would end again focusing on the blessings outlined in D&C 89.


Gospel Principles Lesson 29
D&C Lesson Outline – Word of Wisdom
Gospel Topic – Word of Wisdom
General Conference Talks – Word of Wisdom
“Ye Are the Temple of God” by Elder Bednar


Note: This lesson was originally written for the Relief Society audience in 2010-2011, when the Gospel Principles manual was temporarily used as curriculum for Relief Society, Elders Quorum and High Priest classes. The lesson may require adaptation for Gospel Principles classes, which are mixed gender and primarily serve new members and investigators of the church.


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