
Guilty Pleasures: Foods I Hate to Admit I Love

As I’ve unpacked boxes in our new house this week, I’ve had a lot of time to think, and with not much food in my house, my thoughts have often turned to food…

I like to think of myself as having refined tastes when it comes to food, but I’ve been pondering some of my favorite recipes. Now, I’m not so sure. I really enjoy a good Jell-O salad (no shredded carrots or lime Jell-O though). I prefer Miracle Whip to mayonnaise on sandwiches, and I can eat a whole batch of no-bake cookies by myself (they’re made with oatmeal—that makes them healthy, I figure).

Despite having never lived in Utah, I have some decidedly Mormon Utah tastes. I’d like to blame my mom, but she really is a gourmet cook and never served such food. In fact, she cringes when she sees the Miracle Whip in my fridge.

Where did these taste preferences come from? Does it indicate a lack of sophistication? Could anyone enjoy the following recipe as much as I do?…

White Trash Dip

1 can Hormel Chili (I prefer the vegetarian version)
1 small block of Velveeta

Put both in a bowl and microwave until the Velveeta melts. Then, stir. Serve with tortilla chips.

You’ll occasionally have to put this back in the microwave. It tastes kind of plasticey when it gets less than lukewarm.

Special thanks to my friend, Heather for introducing me to such a delightful treat!

EmilyCC lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her spouse and three children. She currently serves as a stake Just Serve specialists, and she recently returned to school to become a nurse. She is a former editor of Exponent II and a founding blogger at The Exponent.


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