Picture of TopHat
TopHat is putting her roots down in the Bay Area with her husband and three children. She loves the earth, yarn, and bicycling.

2015 Year in Review

Happy New  Year! This year has been quite the doozy! In just the last week or so, we hit 3.5 million views of our site!

This year the magazine acquired  two new https://exponentii.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/IMG_5173-scaled-1.jpgs: Margaret Olson Hemming and Pandora Brewer. Thank you, Aimee Evans Hickman and Emily Clyde Curtis for your time. And we lost Exponent II founding mother, Heather Symmes Cannon. The Exponent II magazine is our heart and this blog is all done in support of the magazine. You can subscribe to a paper or digital version of the magazine. You can also find ways to donate to the magazine here.

Photo by blogger Melody
Photo by blogger Melody

Big things happened in the church this year from the new Church essays on women to the policy changes about gay members and their children. In fact, we are accepting articles for an upcoming Exponent II about the policy changes. And don’t miss the call for artwork!


Blog series for this year:


Our 2015 clickbait: the posts with the most visits!

5. Guest Katie Payne’s BYU Heavenly Mother Art Show,  May 8, 2015

4. An Announcement from April Young Bennett

3. Mraynes’ If and Then

2. Guest post by Kathy: To My Friend Who Accepts the Church Handbook Changes

1. Amy’s Where is the Outrage?

You’ll notice 2 of the top 5 posts come from guests. To submit your own guest post, go here.


Most commented on:

5. April Young Bennet’s (content now removed, but you can still read the comments) Policy Suggestions for a Values-based Approach to Women-friendly Policy in the LDS Church.

4. Mraynes’ If and Then

3. April Young Bennet’s Can Mormon Women Count Money?

2. An Announcement from April Young Bennett

1. Amy’s Where is the Outrage?


Top 5 Search Terms finding us in 2015:

5. relief society lesson helps

4. mother’s day hymns for church

3. mother’s day hymns

2. hymns for mother’s day

1. the exponent

I wonder if our Heavenly Mother’s Day series this year was responsible for this.


In November, we did some re-organizing and I want to link to the post about how it’s easier to find the Relief Society lesson plans and translations as well as the YW lessons and the intro bios of our fabulous translators! We have almost covered all of the YW lessons in the past couple of years and hope to finish up the ones we haven’t touched in 2016. It’ll be our New Year’s Resolution.

If you can’t get enough of Exponent, follow us on Twitter, Pinterest, and now Instagram! We have a Facebook page you can like and follow to get our stuff in your Facebook feed. If you want an Internet community, we’ve recently made our Facebook group “closed” and you can check it out here.

As fun as this year in review post is, it barely scratches the surface of the content of this year. As I was scrolling through it all, I loved remembering all the posts that I’ve read and have touched my heart this year. And I’m sure this upcoming year will be as fabulous as the last.

TopHat is putting her roots down in the Bay Area with her husband and three children. She loves the earth, yarn, and bicycling.

3 Responses

  1. LOVED this year in review! Thank you, TopHat!

    Do we know how many posts we had in total in 2015? There were so many great posts this year.

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