Picture of April Young-Bennett
April Young-Bennett
April Young-Bennett is the author of the Ask a Suffragist book series and host of the Religious Feminism Podcast. Learn more about April at aprilyoungb.com.

New ways to navigate the Exponent

Exponent II Pinterest Collage
A collage of pins from the Exponent Pinterest Account.

An Exponent reader recently gave me some feedback on the website.  She told me that she would like to be able to see a list of all posts by a certain author, or a list of all posts in the archive by date from her phone. I have updated our top navigation menu so this is now possible.

One way that I have always liked to read the Exponent on my desktop is to peruse recent comments to see where conversations are in progress at the blog. I have now added this feature to the top menu so that browsing recent comments is available on both desktop and mobile devices.

I also added some navigation options that are new not just to mobile devices, but to the desktop version as well. For some time now, gracious volunteers have been translating Exponent posts into Spanish and French. (You can read posts by some of our translation volunteers here, here, here and here.)  We have even had some guest posts submitted in Spanish, that were posted in their original language along with an English translation. But until now, there has not been a way to view the complete collection of Spanish or French posts. Fixed.

Did you know that the Exponent has a Pinterest account? If you didn’t, it is not your fault.  Apparently, we neglected to add a link to the Pinterest account alongside our other social media accounts here at the website. That’s resolved now, too. Check it out!  It’s beautiful to behold.  

The post archive is now organized by topic.  Browsing by topic, I had fun uncovering posts long buried deep within the Exponent’s archive.  I clicked on History in the top menu, navigated to the beginning of the database, and found this delightful post, a couple of poems created by Brooke in 2006 based on the diaries of Wilford Woodruff. Under the Feminism link, I found a post about the “new” trend of Mormon feminist blogging by Jana.

The Exponent blog is nearly a decade old now. It still needs a lot more work before it will be the epitome of modern web design, but hopefully these improvements to the navigation bar will be a first step to help you dig into this vast collection of Mormon feminist thought from many dozens of authors over ten years. Happy browsing!

As we continue to update and redesign the Exponent website, what new features do you hope to see?

April Young-Bennett is the author of the Ask a Suffragist book series and host of the Religious Feminism Podcast. Learn more about April at aprilyoungb.com.

One Response

  1. Thanks for making all these changes to make your site easier to navigate, April!

    This isn’t exactly a navigation feature, but if I could get one thing added, I would love it if you would make it so each comment’s date/time is a link to that comment. (You can see this, for example, at fMh.) I frequently bookmark individual comments that I like. I can always find the comment number for the link by looking at the page source, but it would be a step easier for me if the comments already had their links enabled. Then I could just click the comment link and click bookmark.

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