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Magazine Issue: Summer 2021

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"Connection Despite Distance in the ER: Healing and Touch" - an Interview with Debra Marie Reynoso

“Connection Despite Distance in the ER: Healing and Touch” – an Interview with Debra Marie Reynoso

Debra Marie Reynoso is an Emergency Room nurse, practicing for fourteen years, and concurrently in a Nurse Practitioner training program. This interview was conducted by Carol Ann Litster Young. What was your journey to becoming a nurse and deciding to do a nurse practitioner program?I watched my mother as a nurse, and she really enjoyed it. She came home with stories, often like what I do with my children now, and we learned so much from her. She had so much love and compassion for people. Growing up, my parents owned Latin grocery stores, and some people who came to the […]

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An empty wooden pew with a beam of light illuminating the seat.

“Today I Hear the Benches Singing”

“We will begin by singing — uh, by NOT singing — Hymn #. . . ,” the brand-new bishop said, called just one Sunday before church shut down for sixteen weeks. This is our first masked Sunday back. Intentional emptiness. Every fourth row has a white paper sign taped up: “Sit here.” No hymnbooks in the pews. The organ on autoplay because the only organist doesn’t have a last name beginning with H through M. Home scripture study nourishes me, home sacrament where possible — but there’s a different kind of strength in being together as a community of Christ. […]

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“Jesus’s Women”

Sacrament talk in Mar Vista Ward, Santa Monica StakeWe didn’t make it to church last week. My three-year-old came down with something like the flu, so I decided we would stay home and keep our germs to ourselves. About a third of the way through our third viewing of The Secret Life of Pets II, I remembered that I had a book to finish: an inspiring and enjoyable Sunday-appropriate read called Jesus Feminist.If you’re reading this but still somehow on the fence about feminism, recall that it is, as writer Marie Shear said, “the radical notion that women are people” […]

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"Asking" by Sarah Lindsey


I once asked you, “why?” You said I was asking for it. Budding breasts peeking through a long sleeved crew neck. Bony arms accenting a lanky, curveless frame. Who can understand I didn’t want “it” though? I never asked to be afraid of sleeping on the sofa. I never asked to feel like dirt any time he met my gaze. I never asked to tremble when a date reached for my hand. I never asked for all my firsts to be marred by visions of your twisted sneer. I also never asked for forehead kisses to feel viscerally vile. I […]

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“Look Again” – An Interview with Amber Hertzog Weiss

In this interview, Sandra Clark Jergensen talks to Amber Hertzog Weiss about how her collage art explores faith and being through juxtaposing images of Jesus Christ, ancestors, temples, scriptures, and more. Your work is so vivid, surprising, delightful, and engaging. It uses Latter-day iconography to examine familiar scenes and asks viewers to look again with new eyes. Can you tell us more about your art and how you came to it? That phrase, “Look again with new eyes,” really captures my growth not only as an artist but as a daughter in my family and as a disciple of Jesus Christ. I didn’t […]

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"A Fish Story" by Orinda Darling

“A Fish Story”

He came in a tiny tupperware container with a $4 price tag, the last lonely betta fish on the Petco shelf. The brainchild of my partner’s love language, gifts, and mine, animals. He was to be my office companion, but then the pandemic happened, so he took up residence in the corner of the living room. He goes by “Mitchell,” “bud,” “bug,” “sea monster,” “anger fish,” “rage machine,” and “him.” They’re known as Siamese Fighting Fish for a reason, and this one wakes up on the wrong side of the bed every day. Every. Day. We loved him immediately. Stuck at […]

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