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Magazine Issue: Summer 2020

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"Woven Power" by Ashley Sturgill

“Woven Power”

I feel it in the warning of a thunderhead above darkening the skies, quieting every feathered voice. In each crack of blinding electric lightreleased in the earthen smell of cleansing rain. It casts off the tail of a star falling from Her place in night’s sky, terrifyingly beautiful and bright landing gently, lightly dusting the wings of a starling in flight. I hear it whispered on the breeze carrying seasons’ shift the first cool breezebalmy summer’s reprieve the first warm onea promise to tired souls waning. In the terrifying force of an avalanche it roars. A cliffside of snow sloughs […]

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"Approaching Unity" by Andi Pitcher Davis

“Approaching Unity”

Bless the union between savior and soul Blessed be the savior whose soul is union of between and in between. Bless the one who blesses, and the one who taught her to bless. Bless the one who traipses through beauty To arrive in despair. She is our Eve, and mother of death and life. Bless be the garden fallow, not blooming, not barren. The fallow is the most blessed of all. Fallow calls upon us — we who bless — to call her back from above Back to bounty. In this, the fallow, not the fallen Is communion with common […]

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Political Movements and Heroes

Political Movements and Heroes

In 1870 Utah became the second U.S. territory to remove sex as a restriction to the right to vote. Mormon women remained very engaged in the national battle for suffrage. Likewise, Susan B. Anthony showed interest in Utah politics, as seen in this letter published in The Woman’s Exponent in 1899. Anthony refers to the fact that B. H. Roberts, an opponent of suffrage, was elected to the United States Congress (he was never seated due to his practice of polygamy). A lifetime later, a Mormon woman working on Capitol Hill was still unusual enough to merit a profile in […]

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“The Artist Activist” – an Interview with Kalani Tonga

Tell me about the many ways you’re engaged in your communities.I work with PIK2AR (Pacific Island Knowledge 2 Action Resources), a nonprofit organization geared toward empowering disadvantaged members of the greater Salt Lake City community by providing resources that help them help themselves. I facilitate peer-to-peer women’s support groups, run a Pacific Islander writing group that focuses on issues affecting the PI community, host the PEAU Book Club where we read the works of Pacific Islander authors, and I am actively engaged in planning and executing the National Pacific Islander Violence Prevention Conference each year. Additionally, I have worked as […]

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