Vol. 43 No. 2 — Fall 2023

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Magazine Issue: Fall 2023

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“Lost Things”

Read by authorI used to wonder why there were so many stories in the children’s Friend magazine about praying over lost objects. Then I had children, and I understood.My kids are constantly losing things. Shoes. Socks. Homework. Treasured stuffed animals. They even manage to lose my things: remote controls, charging cords, kitchen utensils, keys. And kids are also terrible at looking for lost things. My twelve-year-old son stands in the middle of his messy bedroom, casting a cursory glance over the items strewn all over his floor before declaring that his scriptures have disappeared and will never be found. Losing things […]

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“A Postcard to My Younger Self”

The image on the front? A woman weeping. She sits on the blue carpeted floor of the sparsely  decorated bedroom in her first home, alone in a corner. I pick up my pen and begin, wishing I could go back and tell you — the woman sitting there — “It gets easier.” But with luck, this message will still find you.Go ahead and weep, but when your tears are gone, get up and enjoy this very moment you are living. It gets easier.Life is rich and wonderful, and yours will be all that and more. Kick the perfection habit now, don’t […]

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