“Through a Glass, Darkly”

"Through a Glass, Darkly" ritual

Sacrament talk given in Springville, Utah in March 2023Read by AuthorWe love to say, in our faith, that God never changes and the gospel never changes. The scriptures back us up. How often have we read that God is the “same yesterday, today, and forever?”1 James was a little more poetic when he wrote that there is “no variableness, neither shadow of turning” in God.2But what’s caught my attention is the fact that even though God doesn’t change, our own perception and understanding of God does change, throughout our whole lives. As we grow and develop, the way we talk […]

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“Six Years After”

"Six Years After" ritual

What’s left of me is still here on the shore, / breathing. Old waves of cancer sparkle / like gems, stained-glass earth under my feet.

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