
"Weaning" ritual

A god that was a child is a difficult god to qualify. Of distance there is plenty little talk of the unsanitary and veiled who, after all, would it benefit to discuss the mystery of god’s tantrums and god’s hunger. Mystery, for Mother Mary did not disclose how long it was before she weaned nor do we know the mother’s tale of the Buddha, or Rabbi Akiva. Mystery, for who can explain the magic that produces milk to satisfy the hungry soul to calm the anguish of hunger to sustain life. Before there was water to wine there was mother’s […]

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“Human Agency and the Inner Sea”

"Human Agency and the Inner Sea" ritual

Human agency is a core tenet of faith for members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Indeed, the concept of agency reigns as the supreme theological actor in the Latter-day Saint story, from the reconceived creation narrative through the understanding of the human condition, theodicy, and eschatology. Yet the Latter-day Saint conception of agency is often confused and confusing, wandering between claims to perfect free will, unlimited choice, and ultimate human responsibility for action and consequence. I suggest that the conflation of symbols and meanings associated with agency have muddied the Latter-day Saint waters. In particular, the oft-heard […]

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