“The Power of Stories: Reading WATERSHIP DOWN” by Cybèle Marie D’Ambrosio

"The Power of Stories: Reading WATERSHIP DOWN" by Cybèle Marie D'Ambrosio ritual

People usually laugh when I reveal that my favorite book is Watership Down by Richard Adams.“Isn’t that the book about rabbits?” they ask, suppressing a slight chuckle.“Yes,” I answer. “Watership Down is all about rabbits.”Their eyes widen as they realize that I am serious.“Why do you like it so much?” they ask.My answer: “I’m not sure, but it is so much more than just a rabbit tale.”I first read Watership Down one summer during high school. It absorbed me so completely that I couldn’t put it down. I didn’t even need a stash of M&Ms or Starbursts in my pocket […]

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