“Unwritten Chapters”

"Unwritten Chapters" by Cherie Taylor Pedersen

I had absorbed clear messages at church as the second wave of the women’s movement swept the nation: a mother’s place was in the home. So, instead of becoming an English teacher, I cobbled together various part-time jobs…

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“Moving On”

"Moving On" ritual

Besides, they were just things, right? I didn’t need his clothing to keep alive my memories.

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“Train Up a Child”

"Train Up a Child" ritual

It was our first family gathering since the outbreak of the pandemic. No social distancing now as fourteen of us squeezed elbow to elbow at the fully extended dining table that had seen many family gatherings since my father purchased it at auction over 50 years ago. My then nine-month-old twins, fifth-generation Mormons on a family tree laden with pioneers, had their first Thanksgiving there, demanding “mo” turkey with chubby fists smeared with mashed potatoes. Through the years additional family members would gather for holiday meals, each one beginning with prayer to our shared Mormon god. Our religion anchored us […]

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