
"Beloved" ritual

On October 21, 2020, I watched the most important thing in my life burn to the ground — via a live internet stream. The Troublesome Fire — the second largest fire in Colorado history — took my family ranch, the Bar DM, at the headwaters of the Colorado River. I cannot even calculate the value of what was lost: fifty years of family history, the 200,000 acres of forest surrounding our ranch, the herds of elk and moose I had grown up with that inhabit Rocky Mountain National Park. But most devastatingly, the fire took the lives of my second […]

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“Approaching Unity”

"Approaching Unity" by Andi Pitcher Davis

Bless the union between savior and soul Blessed be the savior whose soul is union of between and in between. Bless the one who blesses, and the one who taught her to bless. Bless the one who traipses through beauty To arrive in despair. She is our Eve, and mother of death and life. Bless be the garden fallow, not blooming, not barren. The fallow is the most blessed of all. Fallow calls upon us — we who bless — to call her back from above Back to bounty. In this, the fallow, not the fallen Is communion with common […]

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