
Blog Category: widow

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Meeting Dallin and Kristen Oaks

Okay fine, I technically didn’t MEET meet them, but in December I was at a VIP Christmas event for a place I volunteer. I went to the dessert table and was waiting behind an elderly gentleman who was filling his plate first. He moved to the right, I stepped next to him and picked up my plate, then he turned and smiled directly at me as he walked back to his table. I blinked twice, then walked back to my husband and said, “I think Dallin H. Oaks is here.” I scanned the room and immediately saw a familiar...
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“Ye Devour Widows Houses”

  "There was in a city a judge which feared not God, neither regarded man. And there was a widow in that city, and she came unto him, saying: Avenge me of mine adversary. And he would not for a while, but afterward he said within himself: Though I fear not God, nor regard man, yet because this widow troubleth me I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me."  (D&C 101:82-84) Earlier this month, the church announced a new policy of leniency for couples under certain circumstances to be allowed to have a wedding outside the temple, in...
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Young Widows in the Church: Are they disadvantaged?

by Jessawhy A recent tragedy in my stake has renewed my questions about the church's stance on sealings in the afterlife. Our stake president's son suddenly died at age 34 leaving a young wife and four small children. I can't even imagine the pain that this family faces and the months and years ahead of trying to cope with the loss of their son, husband, and father. Although I've never met her, I put myself in the shoes of the young widow. How would I feel if I had just lost my husband? I'm sure her grief and concern for...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.