
Blog Tag: video

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The Annual Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert and Other Star-studded Spectaculars on...

I love the event formerly known as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Annual Christmas Concert.  With the road shows of my Latter-day Saint childhood long gone and just recently, outdoor pageants also cut, I am crossing my fingers that this holiday tradition stays in place.  Alongside humanitarian aid, I see the arts as one of the greatest ways we can offer something "virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy" to the interfaith communities that surround us. Such events also expose church members to the good other people and cultures can offer us, as guests are usually not of our faith...
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Teaching Consent in the Mormon Context

A woman raised her hand in Relief Society class.  Prefacing her comment with, “I have never done this, but I have a friend who...," she went on to tell us about a mother of teenage sons who had a “Modesty Closet.” If one of her sons’ dates was dressed in spaghetti straps or something else they felt was too revealing, they would make her choose a sweater from the Modesty Closet to cover herself up before continuing the date. The commenter finished her story by asking, “What do you think of that?” There were audible gasps of horror from the...
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Book Review Series: The Throne of David, what Saturday’s Warrior &...

The Throne of David begins when teenage boys find a thirty-year-old, undelivered bag of mail. The authorities deliver the long lost parcels, including a letter to the prince of England. The contents of the letter spark a deadly chain of events on both sides of the Atlantic as the rightful heir to the British throne is called into question. The Throne of David is the first novel of Ann Farnsworth, a mother of ten who tells readers that "the stories that have been stewing inside my head as I washed dishes, cooked dinner and helped with homework these last 25 years are bubbling...
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Someone To Talk To All the Time

Who's That Girl? Marcella Torres grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah. A Latina ex-Mormon learning to wear tank tops. Sculpture BA and Art History BFA from University of Utah. Currently attending Performance MFA program at School of The Art Institute Chicago. She has worked as an art educator for the last 8 years, holding positions with Utah Museum of Contemporary Arts, CUAC Contemporary gallery and Arts Bridge. Just trying to figure things out. Someone to Talk to All the Time | 2013 | Projected Video Essay  Someone To Talk To All The Time is one part of the essay series Pionero...
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Movie Time: It’s not about the nail

Poll: (Note: If you are reading from a feed reader, you will need to click through to the actual site to view and participate in the poll.) *Note: Regardless of what I "should" think as a feminist, I love this video. Hope you enjoy it! It's not about the nail by Jason Headley
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Absence of Americans makes new Mormon film unique; lack of women...

I recently attended the preview of Freetown, a new Mormon genre movie about—you guessed it—male missionaries. I was hoping it would be a quality film—and it was—but I didn't hope to see anything I hadn't seen before.  I've seen a lot of movies about male Mormon missionaries already (God's Army, The Other Side of Heaven, The Best Two Years), not to mention the fact that I know a bunch of Mormon missionaries in real life and served alongside dozens of them when I was a missionary myself. However, Freetown managed to bring something new to the genre that I personally...
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Have you seen any LDS Christmas movies?

A couple Christmases ago, I polled Exponent readers about their favorite Mormon Christmas movies and got a lot of blank stares. Apparently, most families don't watch Christmas movies as voraciously as mine does. So this time, instead of asking about favorites, I'll just ask if you've seen any of these at all. Check all that apply. Poll: (If you are reading from a feed reader, you will need to click through to the original post to view and participate in the poll.) And here is one, so that if you haven't seen it you can remedy that now. A Gift to the...
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Christmas Series: For those without a gift for giving gifts

I do not have a gift for gift-giving.  I am overwhelmed as the holiday season approaches and I ponder gifts for my kids, who are already bored of the gifts I gave them for their birthdays; my parents, who already own nicer things than I could afford to buy them; and my husband, who only ever wants specialized hobby equipment that I am not even knowledgeable enough to buy.  It seems that anything I can afford to buy en masse for my neighbors and coworkers is junk. So I have scoured the Exponent archive for tips for remedial gift-givers like...
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Some Feminist-friendly Finds on Netflix

Commander in Chief Can you envision the day when the United States of America finally has a female president? If you can’t, Commander in Chief should help. Geena Davis won a Golden Globe for Best Actress for her role as a female president in this series, which unfortunately aired for only one season. Her character faces domestic and international crises that would be expected of any world leader, as well as some uniquely female opportunities to counter sexism. Bomb Girls We often talk about our foremothers who paved the way for women in the workforce by working in factories during World War...
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Bikes, Bikes, Bikes

Some bike-themed Exponent posts, a poll and a video. (Click on the titles of some of these wonderful, classic posts to enjoy some bike-related reading. When you're done, get off the computer and go for a bike ride.) The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films on Vimeo. National Bike Month "But a year later after we moved from rural Indiana to the suburban sprawl of Chicago, bicycling became my morning meditation."   Biking In A Skirt "Modesty was a problem for me during my missionary days. Skirts flap around Marilyn Monroe-style on a bike." Don’t Come Cryin’ To Me! "I have to admit part...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.