
Blog Category: transition

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Guest Post: First Halloween

Guest Post by Alma. Alma is a transgender stay-at-home mom, still exploring what being a woman means to her. Halloween, throughout my life, has been my most hated holiday. Every year involved hastily thrown together costumes that could be done with what clothes we already had, watching movies that were entirely too scary and overwhelming for my young, autism spectrum mind, not understanding why so many people loved a holiday to try and be as scary and gross as they could for the sake of showing off to others. But this year, something changed. This year I began my transition to...
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Guest Post: My First Day in Relief Society

Guest Post by Alma Pellet. Alma Pellett is living the dream as a stay-at-home mother of 5, while also somehow continuing to do software development work from home in American Fork, Utah. She is relatively new to the world of womanhood, being transgender, and treasures each new aspect discovered. Socially transitioning to present as female was a deliberate step for me to take after receiving direction, through prayer, to do so. It involved changing jobs (as I had been working for the Church History Library for 10 years), helping others work out what to call me, and the biggest difficulty,...
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I Want My Church Back

I think about the time, back in 2007, when I was first introduced to the Church. It was all so new and exciting. It was revolutionary. In all honesty, it was love at first sight. People always ask me what initially drew me to the Mormon faith. And I respond in the same way each time: "It just felt right. I knew this is what God wanted me to do." There was no specific idea or doctrine that led me to the Church. It was literally just a good comforting feeling and a knowledge that this was the path I was...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.