
Blog Category: nativity

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The Notable Absence of Birth in Christmas

If we cannot talk honestly about the truth of birth, whether Jesus’ or any other baby’s, and if we continue to erase and dismiss the lived experience of women and center the lives and bodies of men, how can we ever view Mary, or any woman, as fully human?
A toy nativity set
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Picturing Women in the Nativity

Simply having unnamed female figurines has allowed to play with the story of the nativity in new ways.
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Nativity Ritual

Each year I look forward to the ritual of setting out various handmade nativity sets. The story is a universal one, that of bringing the life of God into the world. I have found depictions of various expressions of this story in different cultures, religions and peoples around the world. A miraculous conception and birth, signs of the coming divine presence, humble witnesses, wise seekers, the bringing of good news. Like countless people now and throughout time, I hunger for such a story. The nativities that contribute to my yearly ritual show the hand of their maker. The unique expressions,...
What is Exponent II?

Exponent II provides Mormon feminist forums for women and gender minorities across the Mormon spectrum to share their diverse life experiences in an atmosphere of trust and acceptance. Through these exchanges, we strive to create a community to better understand and support each other.

Exponent II was founded in 1974 by a group of Mormon women in Cambridge, Massachusetts. These women were inspired by the original periodical, “The Woman’s Exponent,” to create a forum “posed on the dual platforms of Mormonism and Feminism.”

For 50+ years, Exponent II has shared women’s voices in its quarterly magazine, and members of the community have convened at an annual retreat. Our reach has expanded as technology has advanced: the blog, founded in January 2006, has reached millions. As we look to the future, we are focused on growth and building a more inclusive community.