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Blog Tag: faith


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Private Ritual

This Thanksgiving, after all the eating and football and more eating (etc) our family had a bonfire. (We do that. A lot.) Once the initial

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The Sign of the Rose

Spring 2009.  I awoke one morning to a future that seemed frighteningly uncertain and months of prayers that seemed unanswered. Limbs achy with anxiety.  I’m

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Initiatories and ICHP

Initiatories and ICHP* *Intra-Perioneal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy I spend Friday mornings in the temple whispering in white, calling down the powers of Heaven to cleanse and

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Vacation from Church

by Kelly Ann Growing up, General Conference (and even Stake Conference) was vacation from church. They were weekends my mom would let me go camping

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all there is, is love.

by amelia since my last post and the comments that ensued, i’ve been thinking about the gospel.  specifically, the word “gospel” and what it means.

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The Double-Bind

Mary and Eve Originally uploaded by Hi, I’m G by mraynes About a month ago I had the opportunity to attend an all day conference

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