
Virtual Oases: Relief Society Meeting edition

General Relief Society Meeting:

Watch a recording here.

In the News:

From Deseret News

From Salt Lake Tribune

Reflections on the meeting:

At Segullah

At Feminist Mormon Housewives

Beginnings New

Feel free to add your own thoughts below!


  1. I went to the RS broadcast on a dare from my younger Sister and sat close to an exit for easy departure when I encountered something offensive. I was happily surprised by the messages and content of the speakers. I took this as a hope that perhaps they are hearing us– that maybe our the blogging is helping to change and direction of things

  2. Vada: Thanks. I took most of the month off from blogging to deal with other parts of my life, but I’m officially back 🙂

    Dr. Tump: Yeah. The meeting is getting great reports from women from many different walks of life — I think it tapped into something . . .

  3. On the way over to the broadcast, I was thinking, “Oh, guh-REAT! Another official Guilt Night from peasized hearts & brains in charge of our church”.

    Ironically, I didn’t feel too much of that (whew!). Hope they keep this up:o)

    thank G-d Ms. Thang Julie Beck showed somewhat of an ‘awakening’ (world travel, apparently, may have helped–lol!). For the most part I felt empowered & validated in many of her words.

    Uchtdorf, next to Obama, is my latest secret crush thanks to what he expressed. He reminds me of my European grad school teachers always gnawing at the necessary bone–“art, art, art with no apology!!”. Merci.

    more later. gotta run & procrastinate my grading by replacing it with gossip collection on facebook!



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