
Virtual Oases, April 6

By Deborah

Here are a just few items that have caught my attention.  Check out Amelia’s post below (Outrage) for some more intriguing links.

Our favorite YW blog has great notes on the YW general broadcast AND the scoop from today’s press conference with the new YW general presidency.

The new presidency’s bios, as reported in the Deseret News:

• Sister Dalton was born and raised in Ogden and received a bachelor’s degree in English from Brigham Young University. She formerly served as first counselor in the Young Women general presidency. She and her husband, Stephen E. Dalton, have six children.

• Sister Cook was second counselor in the Young Women general presidency. She has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in speech pathology and audiology as well as a doctorate in education from BYU. She was a special-education teacher and administrator as well as an elementary school principal. She married Richard E. Cook and is a step-mother to four children.

• Sister Dibb was born and raised in Salt Lake City and is a full-time homemaker. The daughter of President Thomas S. Monson, she has a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from BYU and is married to Roger Dibb. They are the parents of four children.

Great Peggy Fletcher Stack article on transition between Presidents Hinckley and Monson.

This comment, on FMHLisa’s “Young and Pregnant” post, deserves its own forum — hard stuff.

Natalie at BCC: “God does not think less of those of us who never change the world.”

Just because:

Literature or pornography? Controversy at University of Utah.

One Response

  1. I’m your favorite YW blog? Awww.

    C’mon over and add your thoughts. I’m still looking for what questions you would have asked if you were in the news conference. Maybe I will get up the nerve to ask one of the new presidency for a web interview. I know they don’t usually speak outside of official meetings, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask.

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