
Jana is a university administrator and teaches History. Her soloblog is http://janaremy.com

or look at the blue, blue sky…

My favorite Primary song has always been "My Heavenly Father Loves Me."  Even as I young child I felt the beauty of nature keenly,...

her true center

Many of my last posts at Exponent before I took a sabbatical from writing, were about  being alone (see this one and this one) ...

Lessons Learned from the Exponent Blog

This is my addition to the 10th anniversary retrospective series for the blog. This anniversary has coincided with a time that I'm also doing a...


About 15 years ago I heard Louise Plummer speak at a Relief Society even where she challanged us to write about our lives.  She...

A crowd-sourced interactive timeline for Mormon Women’s History

To use the power of the "crowd" to create a visual representation of significant events in Mormon women's history, I've created a Mormon Women's...

Vlog: Changes

Below is my first attempt at a "vlog" for the Exponent. I look forward to your comments--either about this genre (how does it compare...

A ritual for undoing a marriage: Tearing Asunder

Last Saturday I donned my wedding dress for the last time. I tore off the sleeves, shredded the skirt, and walked into the...

Traveler’s Tales on the Pilgrimsteps blog

Within moments of John telling me that he was leaving our marriage, I texted a friend: John is leaving me.  In despair.  Can I come...