Heidi Toth

Heidi lives, writes, runs and shovels more snow every winter than she would like in northern Arizona with her German shorthaired pointer. She studied journalism, political science and business and works in communications. She responded to the pandemic by going back to school in 2020 and earning a second bachelor's degree in religious studies.

Praying to Heavenly Mother

A few years ago, kneeling by my bed at night, I asked Heavenly Father if it was OK to pray to Heavenly Mother. I remember an immediate, visceral sense of dis-ease as soon as I’d uttered those words. It took years to realize that discomfort wasn't a sign of something wrong; it was a part of my conditioning.

A broken heart, not a contrite spirit

I remember the first time the LDS Church broke my heart.  It was mid-December 2016–a Friday–my last day at my job. The next week was...